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participants in the war are becoming less and less every year... Today it unites

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participants in the war are becoming less and less every year... Today it unites 
and unites us, instilling faith in the future and inspiring new achievements in the 
name of prosperity of Kazakhstan and the well-being of its invincible people. 
The idea of patriotism at all times occupied and occupies a special place in the 
spiritual life of our society. They are not born patriots, they become patriots. 
The history of the Great Patriotic War is the most important springboard 
for enhancing the historical memory and interest of students. 
The upbringing of the young generation on the example of the life of 
famous and little-known heroes of the Great Patriotic War is one of the 
directions in work on patriotic education. We will measure our actions and be 
equal to them, because they will always remain true patriots of our Fatherland 
for us. And one of them is the commander and writer Bauyrzhan Momyshuly.
This year, our school was honored to bear the name of the hero of its people, 
Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, also the great Kazakh commander marks 110 years. In 
this regard, our school has developed and is implementing a work plan in this 
area such as classroom hours, courage lessons and the Boockcrossing project. 
The purpose of the plan is to form an idea of the duty, courage, heroism of 
soldiers of the Great Patriotic War on the example of the hero B. Momyshuly. 
Tasks are

-to introduce students to the life and work of a warrior - writer Bauyrzhan 
-form the creative abilities of students, their value 
-to educate patriotism and high morality. 
The life of B. Momyshuly is a vivid example of courage and heroism. Every 
year in our country, events are held in memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union 
Baurzhan Momyshuly, which are of great social and political importance
contribute to the education of the younger generation of patriotism and 
citizenship. Of great importance for the education of patriotic feelings is the 
holding of lessons of courage, classroom hours (lessons of communication and 
I, as a class teacher in the 5class, conduct lessons of courage, where I try to 
instill in my students a love of the Motherland, a sense of patriotism on the 
example of the personality of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. For example, on the eve 
of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly’s birthday, a number of events were held at our 
school. In my class, we spent the evening reading the “Book of Bauyrzhan” as 

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