Е. С. Закирова, П. А. Красавин Английский язык для технических вузов

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11. Open the brackets.
The composition(s) about holidays always (to write) by the pupils. 
The composition(s) about holidays is (are) always written by the pupils.
1. The letters often (to write) by him with the pencil. 2. The questions al-
ways (to ask) by the teacher. 3. This text usually (to translate) by the students 
with the teacher’s help. 4. As a rule, this journal (to read) by my sister. 5. This 
newspaper rarely (to buy) by my father.
12. Open the brackets.
The composition(s) about holidays (to write) yesterday.
The composition(s) about holidays was (were) written yesterday.
1. The letters (to write) by him with the pencil last week. 2. The questions 
(to ask) by the teacher last Thursday. 3. Yesterday this text (to translate) by 
the students with the teacher’s help. 4. This journal (to read) by my sister last 
Sunday. 5. A day ago that newspaper (to buy) by my father.
13. Open the brackets.
The composition(s) about holidays (to write) by the pupils next week. 
The composition(s) about holidays will be written by the pupils next week.
1. The letters (to write) by him in a month. 2. The questions (to ask) by 
the teacher next Thursday. 3. In a week this text (to translate) by the students 
with the teacher’s help. 4. This journal (to read) by my sister next Sunday. 5. 
Tomorrow that newspaper (to buy) by my father.
14. Translate into English.
Хлеб купили вчера.
Туфли купили вчера.
The bread was bought yesterday
The shoes were bought yesterday.
1. Лимоны купили вчера. 2. Овощи принесли вчера. 3. Арбуз был 
съеден час назад. 4. Кашу давно съели. 5. Сок был выпит час назад.
15. Translate into English.
Платье будет куплено мною завтра.
The dress will be bought by me tomorrow.

1. Виноград будет выращен в следующем году моим дедушкой. 
2. Мясо будет куплено им через час. 3. Свитер будет связан мамой вес-
ной. 4. Молоко будет выпито маленьким ребенком ночью. 5. Сметана 
будет куплена ею в субботу.

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