Scientific literacy
Task 1.
Normal human body temperature is 36.6 ° C and the man is not cold, if the air
temperature is 25 ° C. The water is at a temperature of 25 ° C, the man is cool.
. Why is at the same temperature of 25 ° C in cool water the person is cool
rather than in the cold the air?
Choose the correct answer.
A. The thermal conductivity of water is much greater than the thermal
conductivity of the air.
B. In the air, at a temperature of 25 ° C, complete thermodynamic
equilibrium of the body and the environment is produced.
C. The heat transfer rate of the organism in water is higher than in the air.
Task 2
Homogeneous metal ring is given.
. How does the internal diameter of the homogeneous metal ring is
changed when it is heated?
A. At heating of the rings all its linear dimensions increase, so the thickness of
the ring increases and its internal diameter decreases.
B. At heating of the rings all its linear dimensions are increased in the
sameproportion, so it turns out the ring is geometrically similar to the original one.
The inner diameter of the ring, thus, increases.
C. At heating of the rings all its linear dimensions, including thickness of the
ring increases proportionally, so its internal diameter is not changed.
Task 3. Burning
Dulat on a piece of paper with a concentrated solution of potassium nitrate
(KNO3) one continuous line contour outlines, for example, a circle. From the circuit
pattern with the same solution to the edge of the paper carried a line at the end of
which put a pencil point. When the drawing is dry on the paper you will not see
anything but a pencil point. If you touch a point smoldering splinter paper begins to
burn slowly for drawing contour lines. The light, moving around the contour outline
the square.
. Explain why the paper is burned?
Figure 1
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