Е. С. Закирова, П. А. Красавин Английский язык для технических вузов

Exercise 30. Write an e-mail to your friend about the main components of your

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T A Karpova Anglysky dlya tekhnicheskikh vuzov (1)

Exercise 30. Write an e-mail to your friend about the main components of your 
computer you need to change, providing a detailed description of the func-
tions these units perform. 
Exercise 31. Compile information about computers. Present the project to your 
group. You may use the following websites: www.computer.ru, www.pc-
world.ru, www.upweek.ru, www.hardnsoft.ru. 
Exercise 32. Make a summary of the text using the following phrases: 
1. The title of the text is… 
2. The text is about… The text deals with… 
3. The text covers such points as … first … second … third … 
4. It should be underlined that … 
5. In conclusion, I may say that … 
6. To my mind … In my opinion …
Electronic computers are a comparatively modern invention, although 
their manual predecessors go back several centuries. Let us consider briefly the 
history of computers that nowadays we are familiar with. Long ago J. Napier, 
a Scotsman, devised a mechanical way to multiply and divide that is known as 
the slide rule. Later Henry Briggs applied Napier’s ideas and developed loga-
rithm tables commonly used today. The mathematicians Pascal and Leibnitz 
developed some of the first primitive calculating machines. As for the first 
real calculating machines concerned, they appeared in 18th century. In 1830, 
Charles Babbage suggested to create a problem-solving device that he called 
“analytical engine”. It is a mechanical device incorporating a punched card 
input memory, calculating section, automatic output and a series of instruc-
tions that could control its operation. His ideas were the basis for building 
modern computers.

In 1930, the first analog computer was built by an American, Vannevar 
Bush. Many technical developments and progress in electronics made it pos-
sible to build the first electronic computer in the early 1940s. It was called 
ENIAC (the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator). It was used for 
military and scientific purposes. By the end of the 1960s, commercial models 
of these computers were mainly used for both scientific computation and busi-
ness data processing. Initially those devices got input data supplied by punched 
cards. At the turn of the 1970s punched cards were replaced by keyboard ter-
minals. Since that time scientific advances have resulted in the proliferation of 
computers that spotted the entire landscape of the Universe! 
It is considered that computers have many remarkable powers. However, 
most computers, whether large or small, have three basic capabilities. First, 
computers have circuits for performing arithmetic op erations such as: addi-
tion, subtraction, division, multiplication, and exponentiation. Second, com-
puters have means of communicating with the user. Third, computers have 
circuits which can make decisions. They can solve a series of problems and 
make thou sands of logical decisions without becoming tired. A computer can 
replace people in dull, routine tasks, but it works according to the instructions 
given to it.

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