Е. С. Закирова, П. А. Красавин Английский язык для технических вузов

LISTENING Exercise 20. Listen to the text “The History of Oil Industry”

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T A Karpova Anglysky dlya tekhnicheskikh vuzov (1)

Exercise 20. Listen to the text “The History of Oil Industry”.
Before listening: mind the words and phrases given to comprehend better the 
information you are going to listen to.
To trace back — восходить к определенному периоду в прошлом;
steam engine — паровой двигатель;
to spark — побуждать;
an oil boom — нефтяной бум;
to buy out competitors — выкупать конкурентов;
associates — партнеры; 
to spread — распространяться;
to take the lead — занимать первое место;
annual — ежегодный;
to replace — заменять.
After listening: agree or disagree with the following statements and add some 
more information if needed.
1. Many centuries ago Native Americans used crude oil for fuel and medi-
cine. 2. By 1860s wooden derricks had covered the hills of Western Pennsyl-
vania. 3. The business of oil refining was mainly Ford’s domain. 4. Fourteen 
states had active oil deposits. 5. The first major oil discovery in the Middle East 
occurred in 1908.
Exercise 21. Share your vision of the oil & gas industry using the following phras-
es: to my mind, in my opinion, as far as I remember, it seems to me, etc.

1. What are the primary products of the oil & gas industry?
2. What major processes may this industry be classified into?
3. What does exploration involve?
4. What does well development mean?
5. What kind of process is production?
6. What activities does site abandonment involve?
7. Does production equipment play an important role? If yes, explain 
8. What kind of rigs do you know? When are they installed?
9. When is it necessary to add pumps?
10. What is an artificial lift?
11. In what cases is stimulation required?
12. What forms of stimulation do you know?
13. What are the main stages of turning crude oil into different usable 
14. What are the final products of the distillation?
15. What are the most widely used conversion methods?

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