Е. С. Закирова, П. А. Красавин Английский язык для технических вузов

READING Exercise 10. Read the text, try to focus on its essential facts and choose the most

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Exercise 10. Read the text, try to focus on its essential facts and choose the most 
suitable heading given below for each paragraph.
1) Main Biotechnological Techniques
2) Three Areas of Biotechnology
3) Biotechnology Is the Evolution of Biological Science
4) Biotechnology Domain
5) Differentiation Between Bio-based products and Traditional Products
Biotechnology is defined as the application of science and technology to 
living organisms as well as parts, products, and models to alter living or non-
living materials for the production of knowledge, goods, and services. In other 
words, biotechnology is derived from biological knowledge and finally is as-
sociated with the evolution of the biological science. 
Traditionally, biotechnology has been associated with the medical and 
pharmaceutical sectors. However, its domain is far wider. Bio-based products 
already existing on the market include biopolymer fibers used both in con-
struction and household applications, biogradable plastics, biofuels, lubri-
cants, and industrial enzymes such as those used in detergents or in paper and 
food processing. Biotechnological processes also constitute a key element in 
the manufacturing of some antibiotics, vitamins, amino acids, and other fine 
The term ‘bio-based products’ comprises a great variety of innovative 
products in ubiquitous applications. However, due to the fact that no external, 
perceptible characteristics differentiate bio-based products from traditional 
products that are made with petrochemicals, most bioproducts cannot be eas-
ily recognized as such by consumers. The specific features of the bioproducts 
are mostly invisible for people.
Due to different historical reasons, biotechnology can fall within three 
areas: healthcare/red biotechnology that plays a vital role in addressing un-
met medical needs; agricultural/green biotechnology provides farmers with 

the technology to grow food; industrial/white biotechnology that uses fungi, 
yeast, bacteria, and/or enzymes as ‘cell factories’ to make sustainable energy, 
chemicals, and a lot of other everyday things. Although the application and 
objectives of the three biotechnological areas are clearly differentiated, they 
have the same scientific and technological basis. 
The main biotechnological techniques can be summarized as: DNA/RNA 
(genomics, gene probes, genetic engineering); proteins and other molecules 
(synthesis engineering of proteins and peptides); cell and tissue culture and en-
gineering; processing biotechnological techniques (fermentation using biore-
actors, bioprocessing, biobleaching, biopulping, bioleaching, bioremediation, 
biofiltration and phytoremediation); gene and RNA vectors (gene therapy); 
bioinformatics (construction of databases of genomes, modeling complex bio-
logical processes); nanobiotechnology (application of nano/microfabrication 
to build devices for studying and diagnostics of biosystems).
Biotechnological techniques

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