Е. С. Закирова, П. А. Красавин Английский язык для технических вузов

Exercise 20. Listen to the text “Automotive Engineering”

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Exercise 20. Listen to the text “Automotive Engineering”.
Before listening: mind the words and phrases given to comprehend better the 
information you are going to listen to.
To undergo significant changes — подвергаться значительным изме-
a key role — основная, ключевая роль;
responsibility — ответственность;
to ensure the safety of the vehicle — обеспечивать безопасность транс-
портного средства;
to assist — помогать, содействовать;
performance maximization — максимизация рабочих характеристик;
to make up — являться частью, составлять;
overseer — контролер, инспектор, мастер.
After listening: agree or disagree with the following statements and add some 
more information if needed.
1. The automobile has undergone significant changes due to advance-
ments in the automotive engineering. 2. Automobile engineers play a key role 
in the design and construction. 3. If a vehicle is as aerodynamic as possible, 

it leads to performance maximization. 4. There is nobody who is responsible 
for making sure that a vehicle functions properly. 5. A development engineer 
has not got an overseer role.
Exercise 21. Share your vision of engineering using the following phrases: to my 
mind, in my opinion, if I am not mistaken, as far as I remember, it seems to 
me, etс.
1. What is engineering?
2. What branches does engineering encompass?
3. Are there any new fields in engineering? If there are, list them.
4. What is mechanical engineering?
5. What tools are employed by mechanical engineers?
6. What are these tools used for?
7. When and how did mechanical engineering emerge?
8. Has mechanical engineering managed to incorporate advancements 
in technology? If it has, say why. If it has not, give grounds.
9. What do mechanical engineers work on?
10. What role do automobile engineers play in design and construction?
11. What are the most significant responsibilities of the automotive engi-
neering industry?
12. What can lead to performance maximization in automotive industry?
13. Who is responsible for making sure that a vehicle functions properly?
14. What role does a development engineer have?

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