Байланысты: Халықаралық пед. оқу. жинагы 10-11.04 2024 (1)
Internet technologies contribute to the integration of national education systems into the
infrastructure of the international community. It is becoming increasingly important for students
from different regions to organize joint projects and share the experience of teachers and scientists.
Global networks provide access to information in national information centers, expanding
opportunities for self-education and changing the form of interaction between students, teachers
and the educational environment.
Informatization of education is aimed at improving the quality of educational content by
replacing traditional educational methods with more effective information technologies. The
importance of introducing new information technologies into the educational process has been
recognized by the state, within the framework of the initiative "Modernization of Kazakh education
by 2015". Thanks to the implementation of the target program of Kazakhstan "Development of a
unified educational and information environment" (2001-2015), all educational institutions of the
general education system of Kazakhstan are fully equipped with computers and have Internet
access. [4]
A unified system of the Kazakhstan Educational Portal has been created, including a portal
- systematic resources in various fields of knowledge. For the first time, tens of thousands of
educational resources have been organized there, including materials, articles, abstracts of
dissertations, monographs and textbooks on modern issues of pedagogy and teaching methods.
Many of the sites are dedicated to certain aspects of education and upbringing.
Of particular importance are modern network technologies such as hypertext search,
educational and social platforms. Studying the national education modernization program, it can
be concluded that although the state considers the introduction of network technologies into the
educational process important, an integrated electronic educational environment as a factor in
improving the quality of education has not been fully created. This illustrates the problems
associated with the introduction of information technology in educational activities. One of them
is a psychological problem: society and, accordingly, teachers are not ready for the positive use of
the Internet, the so-called computer illiteracy. With the widespread use of the Internet and
computers, describing a negative attitude towards new digital technologies.
However, according to Dagny Hockley, "most teachers have at least basic skills such as
using the internet, searching for information, using social media, participating in forums and typing
on a word processor. In our experience, this is sufficient for them to be able to work with students
using the Internet."[5]. Moreover, for today's students, using computers in the classroom is the
only way to have a familiar environment and undoubtedly eliminates many of the technological
difficulties in the classroom.
Another problem is the lack of technical equipment needed for teaching. Despite the fact
that nowadays almost all schools have computers with internet access, most of them are used only
in information education lessons. To use the internet with students in English lessons, it is usually
not enough to have computers for one class in a school. Teachers are advised to plan the use of
computers in advance for a certain period of time to be able to use the computer lab at the
appropriate time. A possible solution to this problem is to use the computer room for project
activities and communication with students from other countries, in which case regular access to
the Internet is not necessary.
On the other hand, despite these obstacles, new technologies are being introduced in
schools. The State Educational Standards define the minimum set of technical and software tools
required to organise learning, extracurricular, research and project activities, as well as to measure,
analyse and evaluate learning outcomes.
Minimum necessary technical resources: computer network equipment, Internet modem,
multimedia projector or interactive whiteboard, printer, digital video camera, scanner,
microphone. Software tools: text and graphic editors, presentation editors, video and audio editors,