Руководство для педагогов предшкольных групп и классов по Типовой учебной программе дошкольного воспитания и обучения

Some of the learners will be able to

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Some of the learners will be able to: 
  make the basic personal statements unsupported and without mistakes. 
This is the final lesson of the unit, children know and are able to exchange 
simple greetings, recognize and name classroom objects, count from 1 to 10, 
recognize and do short instructions for classroom routine.
Scheduled activity 
of the lesson 
5 minutes 
Warm up: 
Ask the learners to clap their hands to the beat as they 
chant The Hello song.  
Introduce the topic and the objectives of the lesson.  
For the phonetic drill play the following tongue twisters 
for the sounds [ei], [d], [k], [s], [ tʃ]: 
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. 
You can use the 
following resources for 

Dazzling dinosaurs dance, dance, dance. 
New cheese, blue cheese, chew cheese please. 
Sal sang seven silly songs. 
As a variation, you can play the game “Echo”. The 
teacher pronounces sounds one by one clearly, and 
learners should repeat after the teacher, but not loudly. 
E.g.: [ei, ei, ei, ei], etc. It is possible to practise not only 
sounds, but words.  
tongue –twisters: 
Main part of 
the lesson 
15 minutes 
10 minutes 
Exercise 1.Learn the new words. 
Direct the learners’ attention to the classroom objects in 
the pictures. Say each word slowly, distinctly, pointing 
to the picture. Make sure that the learners follow the 
words in the pictures. Encourage them to repeat after 
For better memorizing, ask the children to show 
classroom objects, which you name. When you are sure 
that they can distinguish them, ask them to show and 
name the object, using the structure It’s a …. 
Exercise 2. Say the chant.  
It is desirable to show the objects/flashcards while 
saying the chant.  
A pen, a book, a pencil. 
A bag and a pencil case. 
A chair and my desk. 
Dynamic pause. 
Use this rhyme for the dynamic pause during a few 
lessons so that the learners will be able to remember the 
words and movements.  
One, one, one (children show their index fingers) 
I can run! (children jog) 
Two, two, two (children show two fingers) 
I can jump too! (children hop) 
Three, three, three (children show three fingers) 
Look at me! (children freeze in a funny posture) 
Exercise 3. Listen and learn. 
Introduce  the structure “Is it a …”? Tell them to listen 
and repeat. After they listen, show them the flashcards, 
ask them questions. E.g.: “Is it a book? Is it a bag? Is it 
number 4?” They should give answers as the whole 
group: Yes, it is. /“No, it isn’t”.  
Track 18.  
Is it a book? No, it isn’t.  
Is it a pencil case? Yes, it is.  


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