Пән мұғалімі : Жаксыбаева Э. О. Сыныбы: 9 А/В 2021-2022 оқу жылы кіріспе

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Theme № 24 THE Modal Verbs

Ағылшын тілінде көп қолданылатын модальды етістіктер: can = be able to, had better, may, must = have to, ought to, should, will, would, need. Олар істің істелуіндегі мүмкіндікті, істей алушылықты, ықтималдықты және қажеттілікті көрсетеді.

Модальды етістіктердің ерекшеліктері:
s`жалғауын жалғамайды.
She must study. (Right sentence: She musts study).



1. Қабілет

I can play the piano. He can finish his work next week

2. Өтініш және рұқсат сұрау

Could you help me with my English home work please?
Could I borrow your calculator?
Can I use your pen?

3. Мүмкінділік ықтималдылық

You could win a million pounds!

4. Күмән, сенімсіздік

They can’t be strangers.
Can it be 10 o’clock already? – It can’t be 10 o’clock.

5. Кінә тағу

He could have invited us. You could be more polite.


1.Мүмкінділік ықтималдылық

One day all your dreams may come true.
It may rain later.
The lights are still on. Aigul may have forgotten to turn them off.

2. Өтініш және рұқсат сұрау

May I see the letter? – Yes, you may.May I take your photo? – No, you may not.

3. Болжам

It may be true, but we are not sure.They may have done the work.

4. Кеңес (might модальді етістігіменқолдынылады).

You might wait for me! There is a lot of time.
He might have warned us about it. Now it`s too late.




1. міндеттілік қажетілік

Car drivers must drive slowly in towns. I must find a hotel to stay at tonight.

2. Тыйым салу

You must not tell anyone what I said. You mustn’t park here.
You mustn’t play on the railway track.

3. Мүмкіндік

He must know his address. Where is he? – He must be walking in the garden.

HAVE TO модальді етістігі



Істелінетін істің қажеттілігін міндеттілігін көрсету үшін

In England you have to drive on the left.
I had to take the pills three times a day for two weeks.

BE TO модальді етістігі



1. Міндет (келісім, жоспар бойынша)

The director was to sign the contract. Директор
Келісімшартқа қол қою керек еді.

2. Бұйрық, тыйым салу

You are to report to the teacher.
You are not to come here! (Сізбұлжергекелмеуіңізкерек).

3. Шарасыздық

It was to happen

SHOULD, OUGHT TO, HAD BETTER модальді етістігі

should + infinitive (to демеулігінсіз)

ought to + infinitive

You should help him. He shouldn`t be so shy.

You ought to do your best. She ought to help her parents.



1. Кеңес беру, өзіндік пікір айту,
(басқа адамдардың алдындағы борыш)
(бұл мағынада shouldмодальді етістігі ought to етістігіне қарағанда көбірек қолдынылады).

You should be friendly to people
You ought to / should revise for you test.

2. Кінә тағу, рұсқау беру

He ought to help his parents.They should consult a doctor.

Тест № 24

1. Choose the right variant:
Why didn`t you help him? You ____ have done it.

  1. must d) were to

  2. can e) was able to

  3. could

2. Choose the right variant:
But I ____ stay in England for six month, and not for a fortnight as I had planned.

  1. had to d) shall have

  2. can e) am able to

  3. can

3. Choose the right variant:
Last week I ____ go to town on business trip as the Ministry of Education had asked me to come.

  1. had to d) could

  2. might e) was able to

  3. should

4. Choose the right variant:
If one person is careless with a library book, then it ____ be read others.

  1. can`t d) can

  2. couldn`t e) mightn`t

  3. may

5. Choose the right variant:
People who knows a foreign language ____ learn a second one easily.

  1. may d) must

  2. had to e) am able to

  3. have to

6. Choose the right variant:
_____ I have a word with you, please?

  1. may d) must

  2. had to e) am able to

  3. have to

7. Choose the right variant:
At first I _____ skate well, I _____ .

  1. couldn`t / can d) may / can

  2. mustn`t / can e) should / shouldn`t

  3. must / needn`t

8. Choose the right variant:
She said they ___ go to the cinema if they liked.

  1. must d) had to

  2. may e) could

  3. can

9. Choose the right variant:
I didn`t want to go there but I _____ .

  1. must d) can`t

  2. might e) had to

  3. shall

10. Choose the right variant:
10. You … take care of your parents.

  1. Will d) Are to

  2. Shall e) May

  3. Ought to

Leveled exercises № 24 / Деңгейлік тапсырма № 24

I level/I деңгей

1 Make questions then ask a partner. Write your partner's answers.
a)play chess Can you play chess...............................................?
yes, I can/no, I can’t............................................
b)play tennis ............................................................................?
c)use a computer .............................................................................?
d)cook .............................................................................?
e)play the piano .............................................................................?
f)run fast .............................................................................?
g)ride a bike .............................................................................?
h)speak French .............................................................................?

II level/II деңгей
2 Write a second sentence with a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use might, can’t or must
a) Perhaps it will rain. It might rain…………………..
b) I’m sure this is right. ………………………………
c) Perhaps I’ll see you tomorrow. ………………………………
d) I’m sure that isn’t the answer ………………………………
e) I’m sure this is the pace ………………………………
f) Perhaps I won’t come to your party ………………………………
g) I’m sure you’re not serious! ………………………………
h) I’m sure we are early. ………………………………
III level/III деңгей
3 Put one suitable word in each space.
a)That was a long walk! You.......must.......be tired.
b)Sorry I was away yesterday. I......................to go to the hospital.
c)Will you be......................to give me some help tomorrow?
d)Do you......................to go now?
e)Peter................ride a bike when he was seven.
f)Mary......................be in her bedroom. The light is on.
g)Students......................not leave their bicycles near this door. It is forbidden.
h)We......................to try very hard, but we succeeded in the end.
i)Kate is only six, but she......................swim very well.
j) Everyone......................be here at 8.30. Don't be late!

Answers Test № 24
Жауаптар Тест № 24

1.a 2.b 3.e 4.b 5.a 6. a 7. a 8. e 9. a 10.a
Leveled exercises № 24

Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 24

I level/I деңгей
a) Can you play chess
Yes, I can/No, I can't.
b) Can you play tennis
Yes, I can/No, I can't.
c) Can you use a computer
Yes, I can/No, I can't.
d) Can you cook
Yes, I can/No, I can't.
e) Can you play the piano
Yes, I can/No, I can't.
f) Can you run fast
Yes, I can/No, I can't,
g) Can you ride a bike
Yes, I can/No, I can't,
h) Can you speak French
Yes, I can/No, I can't.

IIlevel/II деңгей
a) It might rain.
b) This must be right.
c) I might see you tomorrow.
d) This can't be the answer.
e) This must be the place.
f) I might not come to your party.
g) You can't be serious!
h) We must be early.

III level/ III деңгей
3.a) must f) must
b) had g) must
c) able h) had
d) have i) can
e) could j) must

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