Пән мұғалімі : Жаксыбаева Э. О. Сыныбы: 9 А/В 2021-2022 оқу жылы кіріспе

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9 сынып ОЖСБ –ға дайындық тақырыптық жоспары





Article / Артиклдер




“to be» етістігінің осы шақтың формалары




“to be» етістігінің өткен шақтың формалары




«to do» етістігінің формалары




«to have» етістігінің формалары




The Plurals of The Nouns / Зат есімдердің көпше түрі




The Degrees of Comparison of Adjective / Сың есімнің шырайлары




World formation / Сөз жасау




The Numerals / Сан есім




The Pronouns / Eсімдіктері




The Possessive Case / Тәуелді септік




The Prepositions / Қосымшалар




There +be орамы




The Present Simple Tense / Жалпы осы шақ




The Future Simple Tense / Жалпы келер шақ




The Past Simple Tense / Жалпы өткен шақ




The Present Continuous / Жалғаспалы осы шақ




The Past Continuous Tense / Жалғаспалы өткен шақ




The Future Continuous Tense/ Жалғаспалы келер шақ




The Present Perfect Tense/ Осы шақтың аяқталған түрі




The Past Perfect Tense /Өткен шақтын аяқталған түрі




The Future Perfect Tense / Келер шақтын аяқталған түрі




The Passive Voice / Ырықсыз етіс




The Modal Verbs / Модаль етістіктер




The Gerund / Герундий




The Infinitive / Инфинитив




The Participle / Есімше




Мany, much, (a) little, (a) few есімдіктері




The Conditionals / Шартты сөйлемдер




Direct and indirect speech / Төл және төлеу сөз




Used to do құрылымы




Types of the questions / Сұрақтардың түрлері




Country studying / Елтану




Proverbs / Мақалдар



Theme № 1 Article / Артиклдер
Ағылшын тілінде артикльдердің екі түрі бар: белгісіздік “a/an” (Indefinite Article), және белгілілік “the” (Definite Article)
► Белгісіздік артиклі: A/AN: А + дауыссыз дыбыс (consonant)
► Егер сөз дауыссыз дыбыстан басталса, зат есімнің алдына
a` белгісіздік артиклі қолданылады. ▪ A child,
a doctor, etc.
AN + дауысты дыбыс (vowel)
An apple, an umbrella, an hour

A(AN)” белгісіздік артиклінің қолданылуы

Белгілілік “THE” артиклінің қолданылуы

Санауға келетін зат есімдердің тек жекеше түрінде

  1. Do you need an umbrella?

  2. I never wear a hat.

Контексте немесе бір ситуацияда не туралы айтып жатқандығы нақты белгілі болса a) Can you turn off the light?
b) I`d like to speak to the manager, please.

Сөйлеуші заттар мен нәрселер туралы алғаш рет сөз қозғап тұрса

  1. I had a sandwich and an apple for lunch.

  2. A man and a woman are sitting opposite me.

Егерде зат есім екінші сөйлемде қайталанса

  1. Last year I bought a car. The car was vey expensive.

  2. When I entered the room, I saw a man. The man was very old.

Заттың кім, не екендігі жайлы анықтама бергенде

  1. Omar`s father is a lawyer.

  2. Would you like to be an English teacher?

Дүниеде бір-ақ түрі кездесетін ғаламшар атаулары

  1. The earth is millions of kilometers from the sun.

  2. The sun was going down.

Санауға келетін зат есімдердің жекеше түрінің алдында сын есім келсе

  1. My brother is a good driver.

  2. Dastan has bought an expensive car.

Мұхит: the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean.
Теңіз: the Mediterranean Sea Өзен: the Thames, the Amazon, the Nile
Канал: the Suez Canal, the Panama Canal
Тау тізбектері: the Alps, the Rockies
Шөл далалар: the Gobi, the Sahara Desert

Лепті сөйлемде санауға келетін зат есімдердің жекеше түрі болса

  1. What a beautiful garden!

  2. What a lovely dress!

Санауға келетін зат есімдердің көпше түрі және санауға келмейтін зат есімнің алдында артикль қойылмайды.

Мұражайлар: the British
Museum, the Tate Gallery, the
Қонақ үйлер: the Station Hotel, the Hilton Hotel
ар: the palace Theatre, the Odeon Cinema
Газеттер мен кейбір журнал аттары: Washington Post, the
Financial Times, the Times

Тұрақты тіркестерде
A lot of, a great deal of, a few, a little, for a short (long) time, in a loud voice, to be in a hurry, to be in a position to be at a loss, It is a pity; as a result of; as a
matter of fact To have a good time
To have a look
To have a seat
To go for a walk

Ұлт атауларының алдында a) The Japanese are very industrial people.
b) The French are considered to be conservative people.

Such, quite, rather сөздерінен кейін жекеше түрдегі саналатын зат есім келсе

  1. It was such an easy test.

  2. It is rather an old house.

  3. He is quite an old man.

Сын есімнің күшейтпелі шырайының алдында

  1. He is the tallest boy in our class.

  2. She is the most intelligent woman I`ve ever met.

Hundred, thousand, million, dozen сан есімдерінің алдында
«one» сан есімі келетін болса a) His case weights a (one) hundred pounds
b) Azat has won a (one) thousand dollars.

Зат есімдердің алдында реттік сан есім келсе

  1. Your second composition is better than the first.

  2. February is the second month of the year.

Отбасын түгелдей әңгімелейтін болсақ
a) The Zhandosovs arrived from Astana

Кейбір мемлекеттер мен штаттардың аттарының алдында,
егер олар republic, union, state сөздерімен тіркесіп келсе The United Kingdom, the United
States the Netherlands

Музыкалық аспаптардың атауларының алдында the piano, the saxophone

Тұрақты тіркестерде
in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon, the day after tomorrow, on the right (left), on
the whole


Артикльдердің қолданылмайтын кездері

► Жалқы есімдердің алдында: кісі аттары: Mansur, Sholpan, Aizhan, Talgat.
►Құрлықтар мен кейбір елдердің аттарының алдында Europe, Spain, Asia, Japan.
► Қала аттары: Almaty, Astana, New-York
► Дәреже, лауазым, атақты білдіретін зат есімдерінің алдында
Doctor Watson, Lord Byron, Admiral Nelson, Professor Azimov, Mr.White, Comrade Ivanov
► Ғылым салаларының аттарында I like mathematics and chemistry
►Тұрақты тіркестерде
at night, at home, at work, at first sight, at sunset, by train (bus, boat, tram), in conclusion,
by air (water, sea, land), by heart day and night, by chance from morning to (till) night, by mistake
►Breakfast, lunch, dinner сөздерінің алдында
What time is dinner? We had lunch in a very nice restaurant.
►Егер зат есім сан есіммен тіркесіп келсе (Noun + number) Have you got these shoes in size 38?
I couldn`t answer question 8. Page 17, Room 127
► Мейрам, фестиваль, апта, ай аттарының алдында Nauryz, Easter, Christmas, Wednesday
►Егер зат есімдер жалпы (жинақтау) мағынасында келсе: Dogs are domestic animals.
►Көше аттары, саябақ және алаң аттарының алдында
Fifth Avenue, Hyde Park, Times Square, Broadway
►Танымал жер аттары
Егер бұл зат есімнің бірінші сөзі кісі аты болса, артикльсіз қолданылады:
Victoria Station, Westminster Abbey, Edinburgh Castle, Buckingham Palace, Cambridge University, Kennedy Airport

School, college, university, work, bed, town, hospital, prison, jail
зат есімдерімен артикльдің қолданылуы

Артикль қолданылмайтын жағдайлар

A / the aртикльмен қолданысы

Егер бұл сөздер жалпы мағынада қолданылса
Her brother is in prison for robbery.
Omar had an accident last week. He was taken to hospital. He is still in hospital now.

Егер белгілі бір
мақсатпен барылатын болса
She went to the prison to visit his brother
Azat has gone to the hospital to visit Omar. He is at the hospital now.

Test № 1 / Тест № 1

1. Артикльді дұрыс таңдаңыз.
He goes to ... school in .. afternoon
A) -- / the
B) -- / --
C) a / the
D) the / --
E) the / the
2. Артикльді дұрыс таңдаңыз.
... books and ... notebooks are on ... desk
A) -- / the / the
B) the / -- / the
C) the / the / the
D) the / a / the
E) a / the / the

3. Артикльді дұрыс таңдаңыз.
Suddenly … shout of… admiration came from … lips of … viewers.

A) A / - / the / the.
B) - / - / the / -.
C) The / the / the / the.
D) - / - / - / a.
E) The / an / - / -.

4. Артикльдердің дұрыс нұсқасын қойыңыз.
… weather was fine in … May.
A) the/-.
B) -/-.
C) a/the.
D) the/the.
E) the/a.
5. . Тиісті артикльді қойыңыз.
I think … Texas is the richest state of America.
A) An.
B) A.
C) The.
D) - .
E) On.

6. Тиісті артикльді қойыңыз.
How much are … apples?
A) At.
B) An.
C) A.
D) - .
E) The.

7 This is … exercise-book. This is … English

A) The, an.
B) The, the.
C) A, a.
D) - , - .
E) An, an.

8. Артикльді дұрыс таңдаңыз.
On my way to ... bus stop I met ... old man
with ...dog
A) an / a / a
B) an / -- / the
C) an / the / a
D) а / an / --
E) the / an / a
9. Артикльді дұрыс таңдаңыз.
A) Gіve me your a book.
B) A raіn іs very heavy.
C) A sun іs shіnіng brіghtly today.
D) І lіke to go to a theatres.
E) There іs a rіver near my vіllage.
10. Артикльді дұрыс таңдаңыз.
... Moon was shining brightly and ... Thames was seen opposite the building
A) --, --
B) --, the
C) the, the D) the, -- E) a, --
Leveled exercises № 1
Деңгейлік тапсырма № 1

I level
I деңгей

Put a/an, or the in each space.

a) What's ..the.. matter? Are you all right?

b) Kate has bought..........new car.
c) Some people think that..........moon is made of cheese!
d) I'm collecting money for..........poor.
e) Brian hasn't found..........job yet.
f) I've never seen..........elephant.
g) Can you play..........guitar?
h) Helen is..........idiot!
i) ..........longest bridge in Europe is in Portugal.
j) Don't forget to turn off..........television.

II level
II деңгей

Choose the correct word or space underlined in each sentence.

a) Do you like an/ orange juice?

b) Tom has got a/— new leather coat.
c) Kate teaches at a/— school in Leeds.
d) Have you ever been to the/— Italy ?
e) The/— Chinese have a very difficult language.
f) The/— love is a wonderful thing!
g) Fm tired. It's time to go to the/— bed.
h) Could you pass the/— sugar, please?
i) Harry comes from the/— USA.
j) We went to Scotland by a/— car.

III level
III деңгей

Put a/an or the in each space, or leave the space blank.

a) Where's the milk? I thought you bought some.

b) ..........students must not leave their bags here.
c) Paul went to..........prison for stealing two cars.
d) Is this chair made of..........wood ?
e) It's much quicker on..........foot.
f) I wonder what life was like in..........ancient Rome.
g) A large crowd welcomed.......... President of the USA.
h) ..........smoking is not allowed in the dining-room.
i) Do you want..........sugar in your tea?

Answers Test № 1
Жауаптар Тест № 1

  1. А 2. С 3. А 4. А 5. D 6. E 7. E 8. E 9. B 10. C

Leveled exercises № 18

Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 18

I level
I деңгей
1) the
2) a
3) the
4) the
5) a
6) an
7) the
8) an
9) The
10) the
II level
II деңгей
a) -
b) a
c) a
d) -
e) The
f) -g) -
h) the
i) the
III level
III деңгей
a) the
b) -
c) -
d) -
e) -
f) –
g) the
h) -
i) -
j) the

Theme № 2 “to be» етістігінің осы шақтың формалары
To be (болу) бастауыш пен баяндауышты байланыстыратын көмекші етістік. Оның жіктік түрлері – am, is, are – дара баяндауыш болумен қатар (he is in the room. – Ол бөлмеде), күрделі баяндауыштың құрамы ретінде де қолданылады. (I am a student – мен студентпін). Қазақ тілінде to be (болу) етістігі осы шақта қолданылмайды, ал ағылшын тілінде ол сөйлем құрамында міндетті түрде қолдануы тиіс.

To be етістігінің осы шақта жіктелуі

Болымды түрі (The affirmative forms)

Жекеше (Singular)

Көпше (Plural)

I am a student.

We are students

You are a student.

You are students

She is a student.

They are students

He is a student.

It is a room.

Сұраулы түрі (The Interrogative form)

Am I a student?

Are we students?

Are you a student?

Are you students?

Is he a student?

Are they students?

Is she a student?

Is it a room?

Болымсыз түрі. (The Negative form)

I am not a student.

We are not students.

You are a student.

You are not students.

He is not a student.

They are not students.

She is not a student.

It is not a large room

Test № 2/Тест №2

1. Monopoly ………. a market structure with only a single seller.
a) am
b) is
c) are

2. Successful marketers ……… open and flexible.

a) am
b) is
c) are

3. Marks & Spencer ………. the top brand in Britain in 1988.

a) were
b) was
c) is

4. Employment agencies ………. aimed at assisting you in finding a job.

a) am
b) is
c) are

5. As long as foreigners ……….. willing to hold American dollars, things remain stable.

a) am
b) is
c) are

6. All staff ……… to wear uniforms.

a) am
b) is
c) are

7. The customers ………… to wait here in this room until the sales manager return.

a) am
b) is
c) are

  1. ………. we to offer you the job, would you accept it ?

a) Were
b) Was
c) Have been

  1. If we …….. to succeed in this enterprise, we shall need to plan everything very carefully.

a) am
b) is
c) are
10. to be” етістігінің дұрыс формасын таңдаңыз.
My grandfather … seventy.
a) is.
b) are.
c) been.

Leveled exercises № 2
Деңгейлік тапсырма № 2

I level
I деңгей

Complete the questions and answers.

a) What's your name? My name.....is.....Carlos.

b) Where..........................from? I'm from Brazil.
c) Are you at school? Yes,..........................a student.
d) How old..........................? I'm fifteen.
e) .............English difficult? No, it's easy
II level
II деңгей

Put is, are, isn't or aren't in each space.

a) This ..........my family.

b) These.............my parents.
c) Lucy.............my sister, she's my friend.
d) We.............in our garden, we aren't at the beach.
e) My friends.............in this photo.
f) They.............at the park.
g) My dog, Bonzo,............. in this photo.
h) He.............at the park too.
III level
III деңгей

Make negative sentences and questions.

a) It's hot today. .It isn’t hot today………….

b) I'm at home. …………………………….
c) My friends are here. …………………………….
d) You're a teacher. …………………………….
e) He's fifteen. …………………………….?
f) It's cold. ……………………………?
g) She's American. ……………………………?
h) He's at the park. ……………………………?
Answers Test № 2
Жауаптар Тест № 2

  1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6.C 7. C 8. B 9. C 10.A

Leveled exercises № 2

Деңгейлік тапсырмалар №2

I level
I деңгей
a) is
b) are you
c) I am
d) are you
e) Is

II level
II деңгей
a) is
b) are
c) isn't
d) are
e) aren't
f) are
g) isn't
h) is

III level
III деңгей

a) It isn't hot today.

b) I'm not at home.
c) My friends aren't here.
d) You aren't a teacher.
e) Is he fifteen
f) Is it cold
g) Is she American
h) Is he at the park

Theme № 3 “to be» етістігінің өткен шақ формалары
Болымды түрі



in London yesterday.

in England Last year.



Болымсыз түрі


was not (wasn`t)

at school yesterday.

at the party last night.


were not (weren`t)

Сұраулы түрі






Иә/жоқ сұрағы



at work?

at home?



Қысқа жауаптар:
-No, he wasn`t. Yes, she was.
- Yes, I was. Yes, we were. No, they weren`t.

Төмендегі сөздер өткен шақта жиі қолданылады:

last year
last month
five years ago
yesterday morning
In 1990

Test № 3/Тест №3

1.He ………… a financier soon.

a) am
b) was
c) will be

2.The country ………. in a state of economic crisis last year.

a) is
b) was
c) are

3.The contract ……….. signed last week.

a) were
b) is
c) was

4.………. we to offer you the job, would you accept it ?
a) Were
b) Was
c) Have been

5.There ______ much work last week.

a) is
b) are
c) was
d) will be
6.There ______ a conference next week
a) is
b) are
c) was
d) will be

7.There _______ a good crop in Russia this year.

a) is
b) are
c) was
d) will be

8.____ there a telephone in your office?

a) is
b) are
c) was
d) will be

9.There ______ few letters in the mail for you today.

a) is
b) are
c) was
d) will be

10.______ there a store close to our Bank?

a) is
b) are
c) was
d) will be

Leveled exercises № 3
Деңгейлік тапсырма № 3

I level / I деңгей

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences and questions.

at the cinema at work

at home at school

a) Where was Helen yesterday? Helen Was at the cinema..............

b) Where were Yannis and Emma? Yannis and Emma..................
c) Where was Nick? Nick..........................................
d) Where were Liz and Jane? Liz and Jane.....................................
e) Was Helen..................at home yesterday?
Helen ...wasn’t at home......... She was at the cinema

II level
II деңгей

Make questions.
a) Jim/at home/last night Was Jim at home last day?
b) you/at school/on Monday ............................................ ?
c) David/here/yesterday ............................................ ?
d) the cinema/open/on Sunday ............................................ ?
e) Kate and Jane/late/yesterday ............................................ ?
f) you/in the football team/last year ........................................... ?

III level
III деңгей

Make negative sentences, questions

a) Kevin and Mel/at my party Kelvin and Mel weren’t at my party

b) Nick/in class yesterday ............................................
c) It/warm/yesterday ............................................
d) Tina and Jim/late ............................................
e) Jetty/on the bus ............................................
Answers Test № 3
Жауаптар Тест № 3

  1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6.C 7. C 8. B 9. C 10.A

Answers /Жауаптар

Leveled exercises № 3
Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 3
I level / I деңгей
a) was at the cinema
b) were at home
c) was at work
d) were at school
e) Was Helen, wasn 'tat home
II level /II деңгей

a) Was Jim at home last night

b) Were you at school on Monday
c) Was David here yesterday
d) Was the cinema open on Sunday
e) Were Kate and Jane late yesterday
f) Were you in the football team last year
III level/ III деңгей

a) Kevin and Mel weren't at my party.

b) Nick wasn't in class yesterday.
c) It wasn't warm yesterday.
d) Tina and Jim weren't late.
e) Etty wasn't on the bus.

Theme № 4 «to do» етістігінің формалары

Forms of To Do





I / you / we / they



have / had done

are / were doing

he / she / it



has / had done

is / was doing

As an auxiliary verb do is used with a main verb when forming interrogative or negative sentences, or for adding emphasis. It is also called the dummy operator or dummy auxiliary.


Positive Statement (spoken)

Negative Statement (spoken)


Do I?

I do

I do not (I don't)

Do you?

You do

You do not (You don't)

Does he/she/it?

He/she/it does

He/she/it does not (He/she/it doesn't)


Do we?

We do

We do not (We don't)

Do you?

You do

You do not (You don't)

Do they?

They do

They do not (They don't)




Question - ?

"Do you always take the bus to work?"

"Does she ever do her homework on time?"

Positive Answer - Yes

"Yes, I do."

"Yes, she does."

Negative Answer - No

"No, I don't."

"No, she doesn't."

The most common question using "do" that you will probably hear whilst learning English is "What do you do?" The person asking simply wants to know what you do for a living.

- See more at: http://www.learnenglish.de/grammar/verbtodo.html#sthash.NdMwv8wY.dpuf

Test № 4/ Тест № 4

1. She ……. most of her writing on a computer.

a) do b) does

2. Machines …….. most of work yesterday.

a) did b) have done

3. ..…….. you have a computer?

a) do b) does

4. He always ……… his job well.

a) do b) does

5. What ……. she want to do?

a) do b) does

6. ……. you speak English?

a) do b) does

7. The company ought …… something about the poor service.

a) to do b) do

8. She …….. economics at Sheffield some years ago.

a) did b) have done

9. She …… well out of the deal today.

a) have done b) has done

10. What ……… you do for a living ?

a) does b) do

Leveled exercises № 4
Деңгейлік тапсырма № 4

I level
I деңгей

Put Do or Does

1. you like chocolate?

2. he go to the beach very often?
3. we have any pens?
4. she know you?
5. it close at 6.30 pm?
6. they smoke?
7. I look funny in these jeans?
8. Bill and Anne like each other?
9. she speak German?
10. you want to go to the movies?
II level
II деңгей

Complete the following sentences by using the right form of to do (do, don't, does, doesn't).

1) The girls love tennis, but they love riding.
2) What Sandra sell?
3) Mr Nelson speaks Spanish, but he speak German.
4) Where your grandparents live?
5) Brenda and Henry bake muffins for their party?
6) Max plays tennis, but he play hockey.
7) Mr Smith teach English?
8) Doris and Eric read comics, but they read books.
III level
III деңгей

A: ........ you play tennis?

B: No, I . I play tennis but my sister Kate ........ it well.

A: What ........you like to play?

B: I love baseball. ......... you know the game?

A: Of course, I......... . As for me I like it much. Baseball is my brother's favourite game.

B: .......... he go in for any baseball club?

A: Oh, no, he............ . He just likes to watch the matches on TV. ...... Kate take you to the tennis-court?

B: Yes, she . She often takes me there. And ....... you like winter sports?

Answers Test № 4
Жауаптар Тест № 4

1B 2A 3A 4B 5B 6A 7A 8A 9B 10B

Leveled exercises № 4

Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 4

I level
I деңгей





















II level
II деңгей
1) The girls love tennis, but they don't love riding.
2) What does Sandra sell?
3) Mr Nelson speaks Spanish, but he doesn't speak German.
4) Where do your grandparents live?
5) Do Brenda and Henry bake muffins for their party?
6) Max plays tennis, but he doesn't play hockey.
7) Does Mr Smith teach English?
8) Doris and Eric read comics, but they don't read books.

III level
III деңгей

Do, don`t, don`t, does, do, Do, do, don`t, Does, doesn`t, Does, does, do

Theme № 5 to have етістігінің формасы

Ағылшын тілінде бір затқа ие болу, оны иемдену to have етістігі арқылы

беріледі. Оның осы шақта (Present Indefinite tense) жіктелуі төмендегідей:

Болымды түрі

Жекеше түрі

Көпше түрі:

I have a pen . (Менің қаламым бар)

We have pens. (Біздің қаламдарымыз бар)

You have a pen (Сенің қаламың бар)

You have pens. (Сендердің қаламдарың бар)

He (she, it) has a pen. (Оның қаламы бар)

They have pens. (Олардың қаламдары бар)

Сұраулы түрі:

Жекеше түрі

Көпше түрі:

Have 1 a pen? (Менің қаламым бар ма?)

Have we pens? (Біздің қаламдарымыз бар ма?)

Have you pens? (Сенің қаламың бар ма?)

Have you pens? (Сендердің қаламдарың бар ма?)

Have they pens? (Оның қаламы бар ма?)

Have they pens? (Олардың қаламдары бар ма?)

Болымсыз түрі


Көпше түрі:

I have no pen. ( I have not a pen)

We have no pens.

You have no pen. (You have not a pen)

You have no pens.

He (she, it) has no pen. (He ( she,it) has not a pen)

They have no pens.

To have етістігін осы шақта жіктегенде мына ерекшеліктерге қатар аударған жөн:

To have етістігі 3-жақтың жекеше түрінде has болып өзгереді.

Test № 5/Тест № 5

  1. She ……. a day-off every week.

a) have b) has

2. I …… a good job last year.

a) have b) had
3. They ………. orders next week.
a) will have b) have
4. Recently we ………… the acknowledgement of debt.
a) have received b) had received
5. Inflation …….. got out of control.
a) has b) have
6. Do you ……. to travel on business?
a) has b) have
7. He ……. to get up early.
a) has b) have
8. I ……… a holiday last year.
a) haven’t b) didn’t have
9. The decision ……… to be made by senior management.
a) has b) have
10. This system software ………… to be very reliable.
a) has proved b) have prove

Leveled exercises № 5
Деңгейлік тапсырма № 5

I level
I деңгей

Put in have or has into the gaps.

1) I ......... a nice room.
2) She ....... a cat.
3) Jack .........a pet.
4) The sisters........ great teachers.
5) He .........an old bike.
6) They ............ a goldfish.
7) Emma .......... lots of friends.
8) We .........a problem.
9) Joe and Philip ............a sister.
10) The family........... two cars.
II level
II деңгей

Put in haven't got or hasn't got into the gaps.

1) I ......your T-shirt.
2) She ........ a workbook.
3) We .......lunch at school.
4) Steve ........a brother.
5) My brother ..........a TV in his room.
6) They ..........a van.
7) Mr Jones ............ a red jacket.
8) The boys ........pink pencil cases.
9) This car ........five doors.
III level
III деңгей

Put in have and got or has and got into the the gaps.

1) .......... you ..... a favourite singer?
2) .........he ......a pen in his pencil case?
3) ........they ....... a garden?
4) ........she ......a yellow bike?
5) ..........your parents..... a stamp collection?
6) .......... Ben ........... a green felt tip?
7) ..........your teacher............. a computer in his room?
8) ...........we ......... milk at home?
9) ..........Anne............ a budgie?
10) Where ........you .......... your headphones?
Answers Test № 5
Жауаптар Тест № 5

1B 2A 3A 4A 5A 6B 7A 8B 9A 10A

Leveled exercises № 5

Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 5

I level
I деңгей

1) I have got a nice room.
2) She has got a cat.
3) Jack has got a pet.
4) The sisters have got great teachers.
5) He has got an old bike.
6) They have got a goldfish.
7) Emma has got lots of friends.
8) We have got a problem.
9) Joe and Philip have got a sister.
10) The family has got two cars.

II level
II деңгей

1) I haven't got your T-shirt.

2) She hasn't got a workbook.
3) We haven't got lunch at school.
4) Steve hasn't got a brother.
5) My brother hasn't got a TV in his room.
6) They haven't got a van.
7) Mr Jones hasn't got a red jacket.
8) The boys haven't got pink pencil cases.
9) This car hasn't got five doors.
III level
III деңгей
1) Have you got a favourite singer?
2) Has he got a pen in his pencil case?
3) Have they got a garden?
4) Has she got a yellow bike?
5) Have your parents got a stamp collection?
6) Has Ben got a green felt tip?
7) Has your teacher got a computer in his room?
8) Have we got milk at home?
9) Has Anne got a budgie?
10) Where have you got your headphones?

Theme № 6 The Plural of The Nouns / Зат есімдердің көпше түрі

Зат есім – заттардың, нәрселердің атын, табиғаттағы және қоғамдағы құбылыстарды, уақиғаларды, ұғымдар мен түсініктерді білдіретін сөз табы. Зат есімдер жалқы және жалпы болып екіге бөлінеді.
Proper Nouns (Жалқы есімдер) белгілі бір затты, нәрсені арнайы, даралай айтады.
Кісі аттары:
Aygerim, Amanat, Almas.
Географиялық атаулар: қала, өзен, көл, тау аттары
Алматы - Almaty
Астана - Astana
Common Nouns (Жалпы есімдер) әр алуан деректі және дерексіз заттар мен ұғымдарды білдіретін зат есімдер.
Жалпы есімдер санауға санауға келетін (countable) және санауға келмейтін (uncountable) болып екіге бөлінеді.
Countable (cанауға келетін) яғни заттарды санауға болатын зат есімдер:
I have bought a book. I have bought two books.
There are many libraries in Astana.
Uncountable (cанауға келмейтін) зат есімдер тобы:

Food: rice, sugar, fruit, milk, bread, butter, cheese
Fluids: blood, water, oil, coffee, tea, gasoline
Raw materials: wood, paper, glass, iron, silver, wool
Gases: oxygen, nitrogen, air, pollution, steam
General: furniture, mail, money, traffic, equipment
Groups: jewelry, machinery, luggage, clothing, cash
Languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish
Academic subjects: chemistry, mathematics, psychology
Abstract things: education, health, intelligence, beauty, knowledge, sleep, hope, music, time

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