Реферат waterfalls Орындаған: Мейрамова А, Бекмаханбет Н, Бауыржанова Г, Қайролла д тексерген: Тусупова Г. К

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Еуразия Ұлттық Университеті


Орындаған:Мейрамова А, Бекмаханбет Н,

Бауыржанова Г, Қайролла Д
Тексерген:Тусупова Г.К


1) What is a waterfall?
2) The longest Victoria Falls
3) The largest and deepest Angel Falls
4) Niagara Rainbow Falls
5)The most powerful waterfall in the world - Iguazu
6) Burkhan-Bulak

A waterfall is the fall of water in a river from a ledge that crosses a river bed. Unlike river rapids, waterfalls are characterized by a sharp drop in the height of the river bottom and a steep fall.

Victoria waterfall

Victoria is a waterfall on the Zambezi River in South Africa. Located on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. The waterfall is 1800 meters wide and 120 meters high. Water flow varies greatly from season to season, with an average of about 1400 m³/s.Victoria is the only waterfall in the world that is both over 100 meters high and over a kilometer wide. The fourth largest in the world in terms of width and one of the largest in terms of water consumption.

Scottish explorer-traveler David Livingston, who visited the falls in 1855, named it after Queen Victoria. In the Lozi language of the indigenous population of these places, the waterfall was known as Mosi-oa-Tunya (Mosi-oa-Tunya) - “thundering smoke” .

Victoria Falls is one of the main attractions of South Africa, belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Angel waterfall

Angel is the highest waterfall in the world, with a total height of 979 meters. It is located on the Kerep River in the Venezuelan state of Bolivar. It is named after the pilot James Angel, who flew over the waterfall in 1933.

The waterfall is located in the rainforests of the Venezuelan state of Bolivar, on the territory of the Canaima National Park. Water is overthrown from the top of Auyang Tepui, the largest of the Venezuelan tepuis - its name means "devil's mountain" in Russian[4]. The height of the fall is so great that, before reaching the ground, the water is sprayed into tiny particles and turns into fog. Fog can be felt several kilometers away. Falling water falls into the Kerep River.

The waterfall was discovered at the beginning of the XX century by researcher Ernesto Sanchez La Cruz, but was not widely known until the flight of James Angel. In 1933, this American pilot flew in search of ore deposits. According to local guides, he was looking for diamonds. This is fully justified by the fact that the aborigines in the time of James Angel constantly talked about stones that, according to their descriptions, could be mistaken for diamonds. In fact, the plateau from which Angel Falls abounds with quartz. On November 16, 1933, Angel noticed a tepui mountain called Auyang Tepui during the flight, which attracted his attention. On October 9, 1937, he returned and tried to land the plane at Auyang Tepui, but the plane was damaged during landing, one of the landing gear burst.

As a result, Angel and his three companions (including his wife Marie) had to walk down the mountain. Their return to civilization took 11 days. News of their adventure spread very quickly, and the waterfall was named after him — "Angel Waterfall" (Spanish Salto Ángel). In Spanish, the surname Angel (Spanish Angel) is read as Angel, so the name is exactly that. Thus, the waterfall has nothing to do with angels — it's just a person's last name.

Angel's Flamingo plane remained at the landing site for 33 years until it was transported by helicopter. The plane was restored in the aviation museum of the city of Maracay, and now stands right in front of the airport of the city of Ciudad Bolivar.

In 1949, an expedition of the National Geographic Society of the USA took place to the waterfall, following the results of the trip, the height was determined and a book was published.

In 1994, UNESCO added the Kanaima National Park, including the waterfall, to the World Heritage List.

In April-May 2005, an international expedition consisting of seven climbers and climbers — four English (John Arran, Anne Arran, Miles Gibson, Ben Heason), two Venezuelan (Ivan Calderon, Alfredo Rangel) and one Russian (Alexander Klenov) — made the first passage of the waterfall wall by free climbing.

On December 20, 2009, in the 346th edition of the TV show Aló Presidente[es], Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, on the wave of anti-imperialism, called Angel Waterfall "Kerepakupai Meru" (Spanish Kerepakupai Meru), in accordance with one of its local names. Initially, the name Churun-Meru (Spanish Churún-merú) was proposed, but the president's daughter noticed that one of the smallest waterfalls in this area bears such a name, after which Chavez proposed another name. The president explained his opinion by saying that the waterfall was the property of Venezuela and part of its national wealth long before James Angel appeared, and the waterfall should not bear his name[1]. Reacting to the statements of some world media about the actual renaming of the waterfall, three days later, Chavez said that he had not issued a corresponding decree.

Interesting facts about Angel Falls

Part of the action of the feature film "On the Crest of a Wave" (2015) takes place at Angel Waterfall — its characters climb a steep cliff to the top of the waterfall, and then jump into it.
The waterfall is the prototype of the Paradise Waterfall in the full-length animated film of the Pixar animation studio "Up".
Vladislav Shchepin in 2011 made a documentary film "Adventurers. Alexander Laime: Diamonds of Angel Falls".
Spanish writer Alberto Vasquez-Figueroa wrote the book "Icarus", describing in detail the events of the discovery of this waterfall.
Niagara waterfall
Niagara Falls is the most famous waterfall in Canada and one of the most popular tourist attractions in North America.Niagara Falls formed about 12,000 years ago, during the end of the last ice age.Niagara Falls is essentially three separate waterfalls - American Falls, Horseshoe Falls and Bridal Veil Falls.The height of the waterfalls is 53 meters,the width of the waterfall is 792 meters.Nearly 30 million people visit Niagara Falls every year.Niagara Falls is the largest electricity producer in New York State.You can almost always see a rainbow here if you are on the Canadian side of the falls.Niagara Falls is the second largest in the world after Victoria Falls in South Africa

Iguazu waterfall

Iguazu is a left tributary of the Parana River in South America - a waterfall on the Iguazu River. It is located in the part of the river that crosses the border between Argentina and Brazil, 26 km above its confluence with the Parana.The first known inhabitants of this area are the Guarani and Kaingang tribes. Archaeological objects that have been found in the area confirm this.

For European science, Iguazu Falls was discovered by Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca in 1541, when with his expedition he moved up the Paraná River through the jungle in search of the legendary treasures of the country of Eldorado.The Iguazu Falls are one of the most visited tourist destinations in South America. Every year there are 1.5-2 million visitors. Viewing platforms are specially equipped for tourists. Hiking and car routes are laid in the vicinity of the waterfall. Also, tourists are offered waterproof clothing, as the routes go to the very foot of the waterfalls. In the vicinity of the Iguazu Falls, there is an international airport, dozens of hotels, campsites, access roads, and walking trails have been built.

1.History of Niagara Falls. Retrieved 29 November 2019. Archived from the original on 25 September 2019.
2.Victoria // Dictionary of geographical names of foreign countries / otv. ed. A. M. Komkov. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M .: Nedra, 1986. - S. 75.
3.Chavez has renamed the world's largest waterfall. www.fontanka.ru Retrieved 17 March 2021. Archived from the original on 17 January 2021
4.Angel: [arch. January 3, 2023] // Ankylosis - Bank. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2005. - P. 96. - (Great Russian Encyclopedia: [in 35 volumes] / editor-in-chief Yu. S. Osipov; 2004-2017, v. 2). — ISBN 5-85270-330-3.
5.Alexander, Jeff. Pandora's Locks: The Opening of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway. — Michigan State University Press, 2011. — 431 p. — ISBN 978-0870138720.
6.Arrington, Joseph Earl. Godfrey N. Frankenstein's Moving Panorama of Niagara Falls // New York History. — 1968. — Vol. 49, no. 2. — P. 169—199.
7.«Қазақстан»: Ұлттық энцклопедия / Бас редактор Ә. Нысанбаев – Алматы «Қазақ энциклопедиясы» Бас редакциясы, 1998 ISBN 5-89800-123-9, IV том

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