Руководство к osce аяқты неврологиялық тексеру

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Lower limb

Gather equipment

Tendon hammer


Cotton wool

Tuning fork (128Hz)

Подготовьте оборудование

Неврологический молоточек



Камертон (128Hz)

Құрал-жабдықтарды дайындаңыз

Неврологиялық балғашық



Камертон (128Hz)


Observe for clues around the bed – walking stick / wheelchair

General appearance – any limb deformity or posturing?


Wasting of muscles

Involuntary movements – dystonia/chorea/myoclonus

Fasciculation – lower motor neurone lesions

Tremor – Parkinson’s


Обратите внимание на прикроватные предметы– трость /инвалидная коляска

Общий вид – любая деформация или патологическое положение конечности?



Насильственные движения – дистония/хорея/миоклонус

Фасцикуляции – поражение нижнего моторного нейрона

Tремор – паркинсонизм

Жалпы қарау

Науқас төсегінің маңайындағы қосымшаларды бақылаңыз- мүгедектік арба, таяқ, зәр шығару катетері

Жалпы қалпы- қолдың кезкелген деформациясы немесе патологиялық қалпы?


Бұлшық ет атрофиясы

Еріктен тыс қозғалыстар- дистония /хорея / миоклонус


Tремор – Паркинсон ауруы


1. Ask the patient to walk to the end of the room and back – assess posture, arm swing, stride length, base, speed, symmetry, balance and for abnormal movements.
Some common types of gait abnormality to observe for:

Ataxic: broad-based and unsteady. As if drunk. From cerebellar pathology or a sensory ataxia. Often won’t be able to tandem gait either. With a sensory ataxia, the patients watch their feet intently to compensate for proprioceptive loss. In a cerebellar lesion, may veer to one side.

Parkinsonian: small, shuffling steps, stooped posture and reduced arm swing (initially unilateral). Several steps taken to turn. Appears rushed (festinating) and may get stuck (freeze). Hand tremor may be noticeable.

High-stepping: (either unilateral or bilateral) caused by foot drop (weakness of ankle dorsiflexion). Also won’t be able to walk on their heel(s).

Waddling gait: shoulders sway from side to side, legs lifted off ground with the aid of tilting the trunk. Caused by proximal lower limb weakness, e.g. myopathy.

Hemiparetic: one leg held stiffly and swings round in an arc with each stride (circumduction).

Spastic paraparesis: similar to above but bilateral – both are stiff and circumducting. Feet may be inverted and “scissor”.
2. Tandem (heel-to-toe) gait – ask to walk in a straight line heel-to-toe – an abnormal heel-to-toe test may suggest weakness, impaired proprioception or a cerebellar disorder

3. Heel walking – assesses dorsiflexion power

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