С. К. Игибаев қазақстан тарихының өзекті мәселелері Актуальные проблемы истории Казахстана Монография

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Монография. Игибаев С.К.(1)

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Kudaibergenuly Bolat
Candidate of Historical Sciences,
Acting Deputy Director for scienсe of Ch.Ch. Valikhanov
Institute of History and Ethnology. Kazakhstan, Almaty.
E-mail: k.bolat75@mail.ru
Abstract. This article was written based on huge scientist G.F. Dahshleiger’s research works study, considering his contribution to the study of the historiography formation and development in the history of Kazakhstan. The stages of formation and development of the historical science in Kazakhstan had been declared by him. He highlighted in own works 17 poorly studied and discussible problems of National history of current interest today. The history of the Turksib and Irtysh bridges constructions were studied by scientist, showing their positive consequences not only in peacetime, but also during the Great Patriotic War. In his works, complex issues of the Kazakhstani aul and villages socio-economic history of the in the pre-collective period were disclosed.
He discovered and scientifically proved three of chronological periods: 1)The late 1920’s period; 2) 1925-1926 period, 3)1927-1928 period. Dahshleiger G.F. cited facts when the layout in late 1920 - early 1921 often exceeded the capabilities of the peasant economy of the region. New economic policy, in his opinion, was not an accidental and temporary measure, but a well-thought-out policy of the state, created for the entire transition to socialism period. He studied social strata of Kazakh society before collectivization by matching livestock number and crop size, the population material situation. That was a notable contribution to the historical science of Kazakhstan.
Key word: historiography, methodology, industry, aul, village, society, Turksib, discussion, bridge, railway, development.

Введение. Казахстанское общество в начале 20-х годов ХХ века еще испытывало последствия колониализма, гражданской войны, неурожая и голода. Оно характеризовалось многоукладностью и расслоением общества на различные социальные слои. История этого противоречивого периода нуждалась в объективной оценке исследователей. Одним из таких ученых, внесший значительный вклад в изучение истории казахского общества рассматриваемого периода является Г.Ф. Дахшлейгер, которому в 2019 году исполнилось бы 100 лет со дня его рождения. Данная статья посвящена вкладу ученого, стоявшего у истока становления историографии истории Казахстана.

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