Сабақтың типі: Өткізу әдісі: көрнекілік арқылы түсіндіру сұрақ -жауап,түсіндіру, жекелей жұмыс, жұптық жұмыс

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Doing exercises:

1) When I arrived at the cinema, the film (start). had started

2) She (live) in China before she went to Thailand. had lived

3) After they (eat) the shellfish, they began to feel sick. had eaten

4) If you (listen) to me, you would have got the job. had listened

5) Julie didn’t arrive until after I (leave). had left

6) When we (finish) dinner, we went out. had finished

7) The garden was dead because it (be) dry all summer. had been

8) He (meet) her somewhere before. had met

9) We were late for the plane because we (forget) our passports. had forgotten

10) She told me she (study) a lot before the exam. had studied

11) The grass was yellow because it (not/rain) all summer. hadn't rained

12) The children (not/do) their homework, so they were in trouble. hadn't done

13) They (not/eat) so we went to a restaurant. hadn't eaten

14) We couldn’t go into the concert because we (not/bring) our tickets. hadn't brought

15) He (not/use) email before, so I showed him how to use it. hadn't used

Teacher : Бүгін сіздер қызылша ауруы туралы түсінік аласыздар, аурумен танысамыз.

Қызылша ауруы туралы бізге бүгінгі қонағымыз жұқпалы аурулар пәнінің оқытушысы Гүлнұр Сериковна таңыстырып өтеді.

С) видео (экраннан)

Pregnancy –жүктілік

Permissible -рұқсат

Congenital –туабіткен



Runny nose-


Fever –
Loss of appetite-

Problem of the eyes-

Listening to the text. (Мәтінді таспадан тындап аудару)

German meales (Rubella)

This is mind disease with low-grade fever, some pain behind ears due to enlargement of glands, and a mild pinkish rach, which only last for a day or two. The whole illness lasts 2-3 day and needs no treatment at all. If, however, a pregnant mother gets German measles during the first 3 month of her pregnancy, there is great danger of the baby being born with some congenital malformation. Under doctors advice it is permissible to have an abortion induced for such an eventuality. Fortunately. Most mothers would have already had the infection in their childhood.

One attract of German mealеs usually gives lifelong immunity, although, rarely, a second attack may occur. A vaccine has now been developed to prevent German mealеs.

5.Жаңа тақырыпты бекіту. Checking the understanding of the new material.


the center of two circle.

The Symptoms of the disease

German meals

The Symptoms of the disease


Сіздерге мына тақырыпта диалог құрау керек .Диалог тек ағылшын тілінде емес сонымен қатар қазақ тілінде де болу қажет.

Doing exercises:

Translate into English.

«Who is the best translator»

  1. The whole illness lasts 2-3 day and needs no treatment at all.

  2. Yesterday Nina fell ill.

  3. The doctor wrote a prescription for some pill and mixture and some tablets

  4. Her mother went to the chemist’s to get the medicine.

German measles

Teacher – бүгінгі сабағымызды мынадай мақалмен аяқтағым келеді.

A sound mind in a sound body.

6.Баға қою.Giving marks.

1. Present Perfect ережесын,сөздік жаттау. Мәтінді оқу және аудару.

7. Үй тапсырмасы. Giving the home task.

Пайдаланатын оқулықтар:

1. С.А. Тылкина «Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских и фармацевтических училищ»

2. ”Ағылшын тілі” Буренина Л.К.Москва-1982 ж.

3. ”Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы ”Голицинский Ю.Масква-2004 ж.

4. Маслова А.М. З.И. Вайнштейн. «Пособие по английскому языку».

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