Самостоятельная работа 4 часа Зачет семестр

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prakticheskoe posobie po inostrannomu angliyskomu yazyk dlya studentov 2-4 kursov spetsialnosti 09.02.01 kompyuternye sistemy

III. Fill in the gaps necessary words or expressions:

1. First machines were ..... by flipping toggle switches and ..... .

2. The programming languages fall into ..... .

3. They are comprised of ..... and ..... .

4. ..... are powerful programming tools.

5. Machine-dependent means ..... .

6. A high-level language is a language in which ..... .

7. ..... is an expression of instruction in a programming language.

8. ..... allows programmers to calculate complex formulas with a few source code instructions.

9. ..... stands for ALGOrithmic Language.

10. Basic uses ..... .

IV. Fill in the prepositions:

1. Programming has been ..... us for over 40 years.

2. People began searching ..... a better, faster way to issue instructions to the computer.

3. They offer programmers greater ease ..... writing instructions.

4. Assembly code ..... a Prime mini won’t work ..... a Digital mini.

5. Assembly languages were the first bridge ..... the English Language and the computer’s binary language.

6. A statement translates ..... one or more instructions ..... the machine language level.

7. System Commands tell the operating system how to work ... Basic programs.

V. Find the synonyms to the following words:
to execute, a tool, to allow, to preserve a notation, to issue, to differ

VI. Find the antonyms to the following words:
to die, to be destroyed, important, slowly, indirectly, difficulty

low level, unfamiliar, high level, to unite

VII. Give appropriate definition of the following terms:

1. programming languages

2. Assembly Language

3. Cobol

4. Algol

5. Basic
VII. Дайте соответствующее определение следующих терминов:

1. языки программирования

2. Язык ассемблера

3. Кобол

4. Алгол

5. Основные
VIII. Give the situation from the text in which the following words and expressions are used:

1. for over 40 years

2. slow, awkward process

3. three general categories

4. a large amount of direct control

5. machine-dependent

6. to develop operating systems and their components

7. combine several machine language instructions

8. a set of statements

9. a few code instructions

10. write code efficiently

VIII. Дайте ситуацию из текста, в котором используются следующие слова и выражения:

1. более 40 лет

2. медленный, неловкий процесс

3. три общие категории

4. большое количество прямого контроля

5. машинно-зависимый

6. разрабатывать операционные системы и их компоненты

7. объединить несколько инструкций машинного языка

8. набор утверждений

9. несколько инструкций кода

10. писать код эффективно

IX. Answer the questions:

1. How were the first computers programmed?

2. What is an example of assembly language?

3. What does the term machine-dependent mean?

4. What is an assembly language primary used for?

5. What is a high-level language?

6. What does it combine?

7. What is a statement/syntax?

8. When was FORTRAN created? What is Fortran?

9. When was Cobol created? What is Cobol?

10. How many sections are Cobol separated into?

11. What is Algol (when was it developed and for what)?

12. What is Basic?

13. What are major categories of Basic?

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