minutes is divided again into two and so on. Find the number of bacteria by the end
of the day.
A. 4722366482869645213695
B. 4722366482869645213696
C. 3722366482869645213695
D. 5722366482869645213695
Answer: ______________.
Task 2.
Snail - one of the largest land snails in our country, and its shape is familiar to
each of us: an asymmetrical body, wide flat "foot", two pairs of tentacles and a pair of
eyes. Shell color varies from yellow-brown to brownish-white.
Fig. 2
Question 1.
What determines the color of the shell?
A. from food intake
The age B.
C. the shape of the shell
D. shell on the number of revolutions
Question 2.
How to distinguish the age of snails?
A) over the thickness of the shell edge otverstvija
B) by muscular contractions
C) on the shell color
D) for the shell-shaped
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