Сборник заданий Республиканской олимпиады по общеобразовательным предметам

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Сборник заданий Республиканской олимпиады по общеобразовательным

IV. Writing

Write on ONE of the topics (A-E) given below. Look at some possible points to include below the tasks. Write approximately 130 - 150 words.

  1. Your school magazine has asked you to write a story. Your story must have this title: ‘A Silly Mistake’.

Write a story.

  1. You are writing a review on a documentary to a movie website. Express your opinions and support your criticism.

Write a review

  1. You are working as a volunteer in the National Park. Write a post on your public blog.

  • tell your audience where you are

  • tell why you have joined the team

  • describe what work you are doing

  • describe your expectations

Write a blog post

  1. You are having a party. Write an invitation letter to your friend. In your message you should

  • explain why you are having the party

  • tell her when and where it is

  • say who will be there

  • what to bring/wear etc

Write a letter

  1. You had an accident and you can’t come to your friend’s party. Write him/her a letter explaining what / when / why it happened and how you are now, suggest when you can meet again.Write a letter

Audio script
Task 1
Joseph: We've got exams soon!
Sara: Yes, I know. Don't remind me.
Joseph: Have you done much revision?
Sara: Well, I've been studying every day for two weeks now.
Joseph: You've got nothing to worry about then! I only started last week.
Sara: Yes, but how many hours do you do every day?
Joseph: Four or five.
Sara: That's really good! I only do two.
Joseph: I think you should probably be doing more than that at this stage.
Sara: Yes, you're right I know, but I just find it so boring and I get so tired.
Joseph: You don't have to do all your revision at once. You could do a couple of hours in the morning and then do the rest later in the day. Some of my other friends do it that way. Personally, I prefer to do it all in the evenings, but that doesn't suit everyone.
Sara: Good idea. Anyway, this time next month, the exams will be over.
Joseph: Yeah and then we can celebrate. Shall we organise a party?
Sara: It's a good idea, but my flat's a bit too small for a party. I'm not sure my flat mates wou ld agree to having it there.
Joseph: Well, we could have it at my place if you like. It's bigger and my flatmates won't mind.
Sara: All right then. So, when shall we have it?
Joseph: How about on Friday 25th?
Sara: But that's the very last day of the exams. I think the Saturday would be better - give us time to recover.
Joseph: But some people might go away then or have other plans. I think Friday's better.
Sara: Yes, you're probably right.
Joseph: We'll talk about food and music nearer the time - I have to go and revise now!

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