ONETABLETTOBETAKENDAILYWITHLIQUID Have a drink once a day and take this tablet.
Take a tablet every day with a drink.
KEEPOUTOFSIGHTOFCHILDREN Put this medicine in a cupboard away from children.
Keep this medicine where children can see it.
Clean this dressing before putting it on a wound.
Before you put on the dressing, wash the wound carefully.
STOREINACOOL, DRYPLACE It is best to keep this medicine in the fridge.
Keep this medicine away from heat or damp.
NOTICEOFEXAMRESULTSISBYPOST.NOPERSONALENQUIRIESPLEASE. Students should enquire about their results by post.
Students can see the exam results on a notice.
Students will receive their exam results in the post.
INCASEOFDANGER,PLEASELEAVETESTADIUMTHROUGHTHENEARESTAVAILABLEGATE For safety reasons, we look after any luggage while you are inside the stadium.
You are requested to use another stadium gate in case of dangerously large crowds.
Choose the stadium exit that is closest to you if there is an emergency.
VISITORS CANNOTENTERTHISFACTORYUNLESSTHEYHOLDANIDCARD FROMSECURITY If you have collected your ID card, you are allowed inside the factory.
Once you have entered the factory, please report to Security for an ID card.
Hand over your ID card to Security as you enter this factory.
MORNINGBOOKINGSLEFT) You must wait here for Picasso exhibition tickets unless you have already booked.
Join the queue to buy tickets to enter the Picasso exhibition this morning.
We are no longer taking reservations for tickets to the Picasso exhibition.
ONLYTWOVISITORSAREALLOWEDPERPATIENT ATANYONETIME Each patient must choose the time thelr two visitors come to visit.
Each patient can have a maximum of two visitors with them at the same time.
Each patient can only have two visits during their time in hospital.
NEWSTAFFMUSTSIGNINATRECEPTIONUNTILTHEYRECEIVETHEIRIDENTITYCARD New staff need not sign in after they have received their identity card.
New staff will receive identity cards when they sign in at reception.
New staff have to sign their identity cards at reception.