Современная наука: новые подходы и актуальные исследования

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  • References
Academic influences. 
The development of communicative language teaching was 
bolstered by new academic ideas. Before the growth of 
communicative language teaching, the primary method of language 
teaching was situational language teaching, a method that was much 
more clinical in nature and relied less on direct communication. In 
Britain, applied linguists began to doubt the efficacy of situational 
language teaching, partly in response to Chomsky's insights into the 
nature of language. Chomsky had shown that the structural theories 
of language then prevalent could not explain the variety that is found 
in real communication. [7] In addition, applied linguists like 
Christopher Candlin and Henry Widdowson observed that the current 
model of language learning was ineffective in classrooms. They saw 
a need for students to develop communicative skill and functional 
competence in addition to mastering language structures.
An influential development in the history of communicative 
language teaching was the work of the Council of Europe in creating 
new language syllabi. When communicative language teaching had 
effectively replaced situational language teaching as the standard by 
leading linguists, the Council of Europe made an effort to once again 
bolster the growth of the new method, which led to the Council of 
Europe creating a new language syllabus. Education was a high 

priority for the Council of Europe, which set out to provide a 
syllabus that would meet the needs of European immigrants.[7] 
Among the studies that it used in designing the course was one by a 
British linguist, D. A. Wilkins, that defined language using "notions" 
and "functions," rather than more traditional categories of grammar 
and vocabulary. The new syllabus reinforced the idea that language 
could not be adequately explained by grammar and syntax but 
instead relied on real interaction. 
[1] Nunan, David (1991-01-01). "Communicative Tasks and 
the Language Curriculum". TESOL Quarterly. 25 (2): 279-295. 
[2] J., Savignon, Sandra (1997-01-01). Communicative 
competence: theory and classroom practice: texts and contexts in 
second language learning.McGraw-Hill. 
[3] Bax, Stephen (2003-07-01). "The end of CLT: a context 
approach to language teaching". ELT Journal. 57 (3): 278-287. 

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