Специфика терминологического поля в области нефти и газа

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In the second chapter of the dissertation “Ways of formation of terms of oil-and-gas branch” on a material of terms of oil-and-gas branch are considered ways of their formation: syntactic (creation of terminological word-combinations), lexical (loan of terms from English language and creation of tracing-papers), semantic (reconsideration of a word available in the Kazakh language on English cognitive to a basis.).
In the conclusion results of the detailed consideration of oil-and-gas terminology lead by research on a material of English and Kazakh languages that represents the big interest by virtue of that investigated languages are typologically and genetically various are generalized. The terminological lexicon of English and Kazakh languages is not homogeneous and shares on two various categories of words on character: the scientific terminology always connected with definitions of corresponding concepts and professional terminology, having nomenclature character. Research of an actual material testifies that in the stylistic attitude terminology is non-uniform. It is necessary to note, that those or other terms are expressive only as members of all dictionary structure as a whole. Formation of new terms promotes transfers of the information which finds the unequivocal maintenance and expression in different languages. At formation of terms connection of two ways formation of terminology - lexical and semantic when there is a loan of speaking another language brief terminological unit and the multicomponent term together with concept is observed.
The perspective of the prospects is connected with the further studying structural and semantic features of oil-and-gas terminology in Kazakh.

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