Специфика терминологического поля в области нефти и газа

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Зерттеудің болашағы арықарай ағылшын және қазақ тілдеріндегі мұнай–газ терминологиясының құрылымдық, семантикалық ерекшеліктерін зерттеп толықтыру болып табылады.


of the thesis submitted for conferring the scholarly degree of the
“Candidate of Philological Sciences”
10.02.20- Comparative-Historical, Typological and Contrastive Linguistics

Aigerim S. Smagulova

Specificity of a terminological field of oil and gas
(in the English and Kazakh languages)

General characteristic of work. Now in linguistics the tendency to more careful research of terms that is connected with development of economic, sociopolitical, cultural attitudes between the states is observed. Special interest is represented with oil-and-gas terminological lexicon. Dissertational research is devoted to studying of a structural-semantic paradigm of oil-and-gas terminology of English and Kazakh languages in comparative aspect.

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