Oблacть пpaктичecкoгo иcпoльзoвaния peзультaтoв:
Был cдeлaн вывoд, чтo интepнeт — oбщeниe, пoиcк, зaгpузкa и зaгpузкa кoнтeнтa, peшeниe тeхничecких пpoблeм, пoкупкa и иcпoльзoвaниe для плaтeжeй - вce этo paзныe вoзмoжнocти и, cooтвeтcтвeннo, для их peaлизaции нeoбхoдимы paзличныe pecуpcы и кoмпeтeнции личнocти.
Objective: Research of influence of digital literacy and mathematical literacy of teenagers on quality of life
Research problem:
definition of digital competence;
determination of the level of digital competence of Kazakhstani teenagers
study of the use of the Internet and online services of adolescents and parents
analysis of sources, means and ways to improve digital competence of adolescents and parents
If we increase our mathematical literacy through the use of digital technologies, the quality of life of the population will improve, as well as in the long term, the transition of the Kazakh economy to a fundamentally new path of development will be made, ensuring the creation of the digital economy of the future.
Investigation phase:
Collection of material
Study of theoretical and practical materials
Classification of materials
Comparative analysis
Survey, interview
Experimental methods: analysis, analytical and generalization in the implementation of a scientific project, cognitive games, excursions, competitions.
The novelty of the research and the results:
According to modern requirements, the computer is widely implemented in all spheres of society and in educational institutions. Therefore, digital competence in this work was first considered in various areas of the information society as a complex complex phenomenon that defines human life.
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