Тестирование по графу причинно-следственных связей (cause-effect gra-
— техника тестирования (по методу чёрного ящика), в которой тест-
кейсы разрабатываются на основе графа причинно-следственных связей
(графического представления входных данных и воздействий со связанными
с ними выходными данными и эффектами).
Classification tree. A tree showing equivalence partitions hierarchically ordered, which is used to design test cases in the classi-
fication tree method. [ISTQB Glossary]
Classification tree method. A black box test design technique in which test cases, described by means of a classification tree,
are designed to execute combinations of representatives of input and/or output domains. [ISTQB Glossary]
Syntax testing. A black box test design technique in which test cases are designed based upon the definition of the input domain
and/or output domain. [ISTQB Glossary]
Combinatorial testing. A means to identify a suitable subset of test combinations to achieve a predetermined level of coverage
when testing an object with multiple parameters and where those parameters themselves each have several values, which gives
rise to more combinations than are feasible to test in the time allowed. [ISTQB Glossary]
All combinations testing. Testing of all possible combinations of all values for all parameters. [
«Guide to advanced software
testing, 2nd edition
», Anne Matte Hass].
Each choice testing. One value from each block for each partition must be used in at least one test case. [
«Introduction to
Software Testing. Chapter 4. Input Space Partition Testing
», Paul Ammann & Jeff Offutt]
Base choice testing. A base choice block is chosen for each partition, and a base test is formed by using the base choice for
each partition. Subsequent tests are chosen by holding all but one base choice constant and using each non-base choice in
each other parameter. [
«Introduction to Software Testing. Chapter 4. Input Space Partition Testing», Paul Ammann & Jeff Offutt]