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Writing a Summary

A summary is condensed version of a larger reading. A summary is not a rewrite of the original piece and does not have to be long nor should it be long. To write a summary, use your own words to express briefly the main idea and relevant details of the piece you have read. Your purpose in writing the summary is to give the basic ideas of the original reading. What was it about and what did the author want to communicate?

While reading the original work, take note of what or who is the focus and ask the usual questions that reporters use: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Using these questions to examine what you are reading can help you to write the summary.
Sometimes, the central idea of the piece is stated in the introduction or first paragraph, and the supporting ideas of this central idea are presented one by one in the following paragraphs. Always read the introductory paragraph thoughtfully and look for a thesis statement. Finding the thesis statement is like finding a key to a locked door. Frequently, however, the thesis, or central idea, is implied or suggested. Thus, you will have to work harder to figure out what the author wants readers to understand. Use any hints that may shed light on the meaning of the piece: pay attention to the title and any headings and to the opening and closing lines of paragraphs.

Аннотация к статье составляется по такой же схеме, что и реферат, только объем аннотации обычно не превышает 600 печатных знаков. В конце аннотации даются ключевые слова.

  1. Study the example of the summary (abstract) in English:

Experimental modeling and adaptive power control of a 750MW once-through boiler
H. Unbehauen and I. Kocaarslan
Ruhr-University Bochum, Department of Electrical Engineering,
P.O. Box 102 148. D-4630 Bochum 1, Germany

Abstract. This paper presents the reduced mathematical model for the power generation of a steam power plant. Plant measurements have been made for four different operating points. The dynamic model for these operating conditions of the multivariable plant has been developed by application of parameter estimation methods. Based on these multivariable models, three different types of adaptive control schemes as well as a conventional PID-control structure have been tested by extended simulation studies. Due to the very promising results, preparations for the practical application results in the plant are now under work.

Keywords. Power plant, once-through boiler, identification, modeling, multivariable model reference adaptive control, decentralized adaptive control.

  1. Condense the information of the texts and write down the summaries to them in English:

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