«Тұрақты даму мақсатындағы халықаралық журналистиканы оқыту модельдері»

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Пайдалынылған әдебиеттер:
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Kazhimuratova S.,
Senior Lecturer, Department of Media and Communications
KIMEP University

Experiential Learning: A Case Study of Teaching
Fashion Journalism course at KIMEP University

The changes in the field of media and journalism profession have brought changes to the contemporary journalism education, current teaching and learning objectives, and into journalism training as a whole.
Journalism is a practical profession and students must practice and get hands-on experience during their studies in the university. Thus, in order to help students develop marketable skills and be able to smoothly transit into the world of work, the teaching methods and techniques should be selected very precisely and carefully by journalism educators.
Experiential learning is described as the process of learning through first-hand experience. It is aimed at absorbing and storing new knowledge, skills and experience outside academic setting. The concept of experiential learning was further developed by David Kolb in the beginning of 1970s. Initially, it has been introduced by John Dewey, Kurt Lewin, and Jean Piaget. Kolb has based his modern theory of experiential learning on the work of these scholars. According to Kolb, experiential learning is a “framework for examining and strengthening the critical linkages among education, work and personal development” (1984:4).
This paper reports on a successful experiential Special Topics Journalism course that extensively used active learning techniques and brought real industry projects into the classroom as part of the journalism students training. The format and content of the course as well as the process of learning and benefits derived for the students are discussed in the paper.

Әліқожа Б.
Баспасөз және электронды БАҚ кафедрасының аға оқытушысы
Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ

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