Two million tons 3/5 tons: Three fifth tons 53,75 тонны fifty-three point seven five tons Команда корабля The ship's crew На странице 305 on page three hundred and five «Can you come tomorrow? «He asked next day If I could come «I liked John Wayne in this

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Магистр грамматика өз жазу

The clearly

I can't understand. Would you ask him to speak ....? more clearly

I congratulate you …the event (on; )

I demand that he …the results of the experiment at the conference( should announce; )

I didn’t know you were in hospital. If I _____i _____to see you..had known / Would have gone

I don’t know about it;  ask…else.  ( somebody)

I don’t like .... mineral .... water, I prefer .... cup of tea. -/-/a.

I don’t like …jokes ( her; )

I don’t like films …have unhappy endings ( that;)

I don’t like this fish. It’s not very well cook __.

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