Two million tons 3/5 tons: Three fifth tons 53,75 тонны fifty-three point seven five tons Команда корабля The ship's crew На странице 305 on page three hundred and five «Can you come tomorrow? «He asked next day If I could come «I liked John Wayne in this

tempi Find the right variant: St. Petersburg he at first went to see the most popular places of interest. Arrive

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Магистр грамматика өз жазу


Find the right variant: St. Petersburg he at first went to see the most popular places of interest. Arrive

Find the synonym for the underlined expression:The airplane goes from London to New York City without stops. Non-stop.

Find the synonym to the word «to choose” To select

Find the synonym to the word: Transform Turn to.

Find the uncountable noun. Time

Form a sentence using these words: (1) They (2) cold (3)wore (4)the (5)warm (6)from (7)clothes (8)themselves (9)to (10) protect 5/2/9/7/1/3/8/6/4/10

Form a sentence using these words: and (1) his (2) Asanov (3) their (4)friends (5) weekend (6) enjoyed (7)much (8) very (9) D)3/1/2/5/7/4/6/9/8

Form the adjective from the noun "care".careful

Fresh pasta stated___ by supermarkets only in be sold

Genius (fabulous spirits).genii

Genius (men of talent)

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