Two million tons 3/5 tons: Three fifth tons 53,75 тонны fifty-three point seven five tons Команда корабля The ship's crew На странице 305 on page three hundred and five «Can you come tomorrow? «He asked next day If I could come «I liked John Wayne in this

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Don’t buy

If I____ tomorrow evening I _____ to watch that movie. am free, will go

If I___a more reliable car, I___to Spain rather than fly. Had, would drive

If I’d listened more carefully to his directions, I___ got lost. wouldn’t have.

If it ------ this weekend, I’ll stay home and watch tv(rains)

If it were not for his advice, Tom … advantage of the situation ( wouldn’t have taken)

If the blind leads the blind …shall fall into the ditch ( both;)

If the doctor .....earlier, she would still be alive today.A) Had been called.

If the Spanish government … … Columbus with ships, he would not have discovered a new continent (had not equipped; )

If the technology__available, we would be able to expand the business. Would become

If the Titanic had not hit an iceberg, she … … on her first voyage ( would not have sunk;

If we … …air, there would be no sound ( did not have)

If we hadn’t taken the same plane, we might have never met …(each other;)

If wishes were horses, beggars …ride ( might; )

If you are in Astana, you can come and visit me____you like..whenever

If you are tried, you______ take the book home.

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