Учебно-методический комплекс Иностранный язык Направление подготовки

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УМК Иняз бакалавры

Total: ______ out of 30 points

Total: ______ out of 30 points

III. Образцы заданий к коллоквиуму

Коллоквиум по учебнику New Headway Intermediate Units 1-4

1. Answer the following questions. (1 point for each grammatically correct answer)

1) Have you got a 3D TV set at home? 2) Are you going out tonight? 3) Do you often go to the cinema? 4) Did you watch TV yesterday? 5) Have you seen any good films lately?

2. What do these people do? (1 point for each correct answer)
1) a film director 2) an architect 3) a web site designer 4) a clown doctor
5) a paperboy

3. What nationality are the people? (1 point for each correct answer)

1) They cook a lot of noodles and rice. 2) They often watch ice hockey on TV. 3) They eat raw fish. 4) They wear kilts on special occasions. 5) They invented football.

4. What would you reply to the following requests? (1 point for each correct answer)

1) Would you mind opening the window? 2) Can you tell me the code of Paris? 3) Can we get together at 3 pm this afternoon? 4) Let's go for a run in the park? 5) Would you give me your telephone number?

5. Is it the same in our country? What do you think? (2 points for each answer)

1) In Britain you can get married when you are 16. 2) In Britain you have to wear a seatbelt in a car. 3) In Britain young people don't have to do military service. 4) In Britain you can vote when you're 18. 5) In Britain there are lots of public places where you aren't allowed to smoke.

6. Give 5 examples of what people in different countries should do when they greet each other. (2 points for each example)

7. Say a few words about a book you know and like. Use these questions to help you: (10 points: 5 points for speaking and 5 points for correct grammar)

1) What's it called? 2) Who wrote it? 3) Who are the main characters? 4) What's it about? 5) Why do you like it?

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