В. А. Шляхова, О. Н. Герасина, Ю. А. Герасина английский язык для экономистов english for economists

Задание 1.  Переведите в письменной форме абзацы 3, 4. Задание 2

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Шляхова В.А. Английский язык для экономистов

Задание 1.
 Переведите в письменной форме абзацы 3, 4.
Задание 2.
 Составьте резюме на русском языке.
Прочтите текст с целью общего понимания содержания.
Key words:
the cost-plus method – метод «затраты плюс»,
marginal cost pricing – установление цен на основе предель-
ных издержек,
margin – допускаемый предел,
incur losses – терпеть убытки,
custom charges – таможенные сборы,
expenditures – расходы,
fixed cost – фиксированные издержки,
incremental cost – дополнительные издержки.

The computation of the actual cost of producing a product and 
bringing it to market is the main element in determining whether 
exporting is financially profitable. Many new exporters calculate 
their export price by the сost-plus method. In the cost-plus method 
of calculation, the exporter starts with the domestic manufacturing 
cost and adds administration, research and development, distribu-
tor margins, customs charges, and profit.
The effect of this pricing approach may be that the export 
price will become uncompetitive. If an export product has the same 
ex-factory price as the domestic product, its final consumer price 
is considerably higher.
A more competitive method of pricing for market is what is 
termed marginal cost pricing. This method considers the direct, out-
of-pocket expenses of producing and selling products for export as 
a floor, beneath which prices cannot be set without incurring losses. 
For example, export products have to be modified for the export 
market to accommodate different sizes, electrical systems, or labels. 
Such changes may increase costs. On the other hand, the export 
product may be version of the domestic product and therefore it 
costs less. If additional products can be produced without increasing 
fixed cost, the incremental cost of producing additional products for 
export should be lower than the earlier average production costs 
for the domestic market.
In addition to production costs, research and development, 
other costs should be added to domestic and export products in 
proportion to the benefit derived from those expenditures. Ad-
ditional costs associated with export sales include:
market research and credit checks;
business travel;
international postage, cable, and telephone rates;
translation costs;
commissions, training charges, and other costs involving 
foreign representatives;

product modification and special packaging.

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