В. А. Шляхова, О. Н. Герасина, Ю. А. Герасина английский язык для экономистов english for economists

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Шляхова В.А. Английский язык для экономистов

Задание 1.
 Ответьте на вопросы.
1. How do we call people who are responsible for the work of 
their organizations?

2. What is a general definition of the manager’s role?
3. What task must top mangers decide?
4. What must middle managers and supervisors do?
5. What five basic operations do all managers perform?
6. What qualities are required of managers?
7. What role do managers play?
Задание 2.
 Составьте краткое резюме.
Прочтите текст с целью общего понимания содержания.
Key words:
pricing – ценообразование,
profitability – рентабельность, доходность,
merchandising – торговля,
distribution – распределение,
delivery – доставка,
tear sheet – отрывной лист,
invoice – счет, счет-фактура,
merchant – торговец,
retail – розничный рынок сбыта,
retailer – розничное торговое предприятие,
giveaway – товар, отдаваемый даром в рекламных целях.
Marketing Strategy
The «state of the art» of the industry today dictates that goods 
are produced without being touched by human hands, the quality 
levels being high while the costs being very modest.
To get the most out of marketing dollars, the strategy for pro-
moting the products was developed.

Pricing and Profitability. 
Pricing is tied to the philosophy of 
operating at a break even basis. However, because of both the past 
losses incurred in the giveaways, and the capital payment outlined 
in this plan, we will increase our pricing in order to retire the newly 
incurred expenditures. 
Selling Tactics. 
Consistent with previous years, publicity outlin-
ing new merchandising concepts is utilized extensively to generate 
paid advertising participation from retailers and shopping centers 
world wide. This has worked well, and there are no plans to change 
this strategy.
Central pre-distribution centers have now been 
established in each country. This concept permits faster delivery, 
without the need to return to the North Pole each time the sleigh 
needs restocking. This is the most cost effective procedure imple-
mented in the last years.

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