Вариант 1 Правильно написанное слово

Выберите слово с суффиксом, обозначающим процесс или результат действия

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Выберите слово с суффиксом, обозначающим процесс или результат действия:

  1. Actively B) Develop C) Swimmer D) Demonstration E) Helped

  1. Найдите правильный вариант глагола:

I … him for ages.

  1. didn’t see B) haven’t seen C) hasn’t seen D) don’t see E)won’t see

  1. Поставьте глагол в Past Continuous Tense:

The children ( to sleep) when their parents came home.

  1. were sleep B) was sleep C) was sleeping D) were sleeping E) were to sleeping

  1. Выберите правильный вариант косвенной речи:

The boy said to them: “ Don’t irritate me”.

  1. The boy told them to irritate him.

  2. The boy told them that they not irritate them.

  3. The boy said to them to not irritate them

  4. The boy said to them don’t irritate him.

  5. The boy told them not to irritate him.

Вариант 25
1.Поставьте подходящее вопросительное слово:

exercises are there in the test. Three.

A) How many B) Whose C) Why D) How much E) What

2. Выберите правильный вариант : If you _ the dishes , I _ dinner tonight.

A) wash; will cook B) washed ;would cook C) wash ; cook D) will; wash cook E) washing ; cooking

3. Подберите синоним к глаголу: to realize

A) to see B) to hear C) to understand D) to remember E) to clean

4.Определите, в каком времени стоит сказуемое :

Compensation in terms of wages is given to worker .

A) Past Indefinite

B) Present Indefinite Passive

C) Present Continuous

D) Future Indefinite Passive

E) Past Indefinite Passive

5. Определите с каким глаголом может сочетаться следующее слово : a bare

A) desert B) hands C) monkey D) wall E) year

6.Выберите правильный вариант:

… in our house is so annoying. We definitely need a cat.

A) mouses B) mices C) mice D) mousees E) mous

7. Определите в каком времени стоит сказуемое: External audits are employed by accounting films for annual engagements.

A) Past Indefinite Passive B) Present Continuous D) Future Indefinite Passive

E) Present Indefinite Passive

8. Выберите правильный английский эквивалент данной пословицы:

Слезами горю не поможешь.

A) Everything is good in its season.

B) It is no use crying over split milk.

C) No gain without pain.

D) Don’t cross the bridge before you come to it.

E) Every dog has its day.

9. Найдите синоним к следующему глаголу: to happen

A) to look at B) to flight C) to take place D) to walk E) to look like

10. Выберите правильный вариант слова: нетерпеливый

A) impatient B) mispatient C) unpatient D) unpatienty E) mispatienty

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