Выполните упражнение: Future Perfect

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Английский язык

Рузыбаева Саёра

Менеджмент- 1 курс

Выполните упражнение: Future Perfect

1) I will have left by six.

2) Will you have finished the report by the deadline?

3) When will we have done everything?

4) She will have finished her exams by then, so we can go out for dinner.

5) You will have read the book before the next class

6) She won`t have finished work by seven

7) When will you have completed the work?

8) They will have arrived by dinner time

9) We will have been in London for three years next week

10) Will she have got home by lunch time?

11) Will you have done everything by seven?

12) We won`t have eaten before we come, so we'll be hungry

13) Will he have finished his exams when we go on holiday?

14) Will we have arrived by the time it gets dark?

15) How long will you have known your boyfriend when you get married?

16) He won`t have completed the project by July

17) I won`t have finished the essay by the weekend

18) Why will she have finished the cleaning by six?

19) How long will you have been in this company when you retire?

20) They won`t have gone at six.

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