Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс

Look ahead! Берегись!
to look (a thing) through просматривать что-л., е.g. Look through those documents, please.
to look after заботиться, ухаживать за кем-n., чём-n., е.g. I'll look after the child. Don't forget to look after the flowers when I'm away.
to look for искать кого-л., что-л., е.g. I've been looking for you since the very morning.
to look forward to (smth. or doing smth.) предвкушать что-л., с удовольствием ожидать чего-л., е.g. John looked forward to seeing Mario and his wife. Students always look forward to their holidays.
Look here! Послушай! е.g. Look here, wouldn't it be better to stay indoors in such nasty weather?
2. казаться, выглядеть (followed by an adjective, noun or like), е.g. He looks sad. The child looks ill (well). She looks like a real teacher. It looks like rain.
Note: казаться has two English equivalents — to look and to seem; to look means выглядеть, е.g. He looks young for his age. She looks beautiful "n this dress. She looks a child.; to seem means производить впечатление (it expresses various degrees of doubt), e.g. She seems (to be) clever. This village seems (to be) quite small now. He seems (to be) well educated.
look n 1. взгляд, е.g. There was something strange in his look.
Syn. stare, gaze, е.g. Lanny returned the man's stare, but didn't utter a word. The girl blushed when she noticed the stranger's fixed gaze.

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