Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс


1. Mother is hardly ever able to have a treat like that.
a) They are hardly ever able to go sightseeing.
One is hardly ever able to get tickets for this show.
We are hardly ever able to talk to each other alone.
He was hardly ever able to catch the 6.30 train home.
b) You'll hardly be able to get to the British Museum today before the closing hours.
She will hardly be able to get over her fear of heavy traffic.
2. Father was afraid that Mother might take cold if she came.
I thought that she might spoil her complexion if she went on smoking.
He said we might be late if the bus didn't come soon.
Edward hoped he might meet the girl again if he came every day to the street she lived in.
The policeman told the boy he might be run over if he was careless when crossing the street.
3. We all felt that if would never do to let Father stay home.
It will never do to underline words in a library book.
It will never do to throw cigarette-ends on the floor.
Why are you shouting at the top of your voices?
It will never do. You have treated her very badly.
Rudeness will never do.
The boy said it would never do for a young girl to use so much make-up.
4. That kept Mother busy for a little while.
At night I always keep my window open.
They never keep their door shut.
Keep your feet warm or you'll catch cold.
He kept his room scrupulously clean.
She told the child an interesting story to keep him awake.
Keeping the child warm is not the same thing as keeping him healthy.

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