Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс

to rub one's hands (together) потирать руки от удовольствия, е.g. His manner of rubbing bis hands gets on my nerves.
rub n, е.g. She gave the spoons a good rub.
9. vacant adj незанятый, свободный; вакантный, пустой, е.g. The telephone booth was vacant and I was able to telephone at once. She gazed into vacant space.
N o t e: The Russian words свободный and пустой have different English equivalents:
1. свободный may be translated by vacant, free, not engaged, spare, loose.
vacant means "not occupied," as a vacant seat (room, house, flat); a vacant post (position); a vaсant mind
free means "independent," as a free person; a free state; free will
not engaged means "not occupied, not busy," е.g. You are not engaged now, are you?
Ant. engaged, busy
Spare means "additional to what is usually needed," е.g. I have spare time today. I've got spare cash about me and can lend you 3 or 5 roubles.
loose means "not tight or not fitting close," е.g. He had loose clothes on. All the window frames in my flat are loose.
Ant tight
2. пустой has the following English equivalents: vacant, empty, blank, shallow.
(See the notes to the word blank on p. 164.)
vacancy n вакантная должность, е.g. We have a vacancy on our staff. We advertised for a secretary to fill the vacancy.

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