Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

shallow adj 1. мелкий, as shallow water, a shallow dish Ant. deep

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс

3. shallow adj 1. мелкий, as shallow water, a shallow dish
Ant. deep
2. поверхностный, пустой; несерьезный, as a shallow mind, argument; shallow interests; a shallow man, person
Ant. serious (about a person, book, argument), deep (love, feelings)
Note: the Russian word мелкий has different meanings which are rendered in English by means of different words: 1) fine — состоящий из мелких частей, as fine sand, buckwheat, 2) small — некрупный (о достоин­стве монет), as small change (uncountable)', 3) flat — неглубокий, почти плоский, as a flat pan (plate).
4. extreme adj 1. крайний (at or near the end or edge), as the extreme end (edge, border, etc.), in the extreme North
2. чрезвычайный; чрезмерный, as extreme patience (love, kindness, interest)
extremely adv чрезвычайно, as to be extremely interest­ed in smth., to be extremely sorry for smb., smth., etc.
5. supply υt снабжать, е.g. In our hall the students are supplied with all the necessary furniture and bedding. Who will supply the expedition with all the necessary equipment?
supply n (often pl) запас(ы), е.g. This shop has a large supply of winter coats.

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