Байланысты: Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс (7-е издание, 2008)
Use such phrases as;
But why should (shouldn't) I?; Well, I don't (didn't) think...; I wish I could, but...; I really couldn't imagine...; What a silly way to talk!; I wish you wouldn't...; I'm really sorry, but...; I really feel bad about it...; What do you think I should have done...?, etc.
Example: Father: You should go to bed at once.
Son: Why should I? I'm all right.
Father: But you aren't. You're shivering and your face is white.
Son: Well, I just feel a bit cold, I'll sit down by the fire.
Father: You are ill and you have a fever.
Sоn: How do you know?
Father: I knew it just when I put my hand on your forehead.