Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

This exercise is meant to test your ability to read and reproduce a story with correct intonation

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс (7-е издание, 2008)

5. This exercise is meant to test your ability to read and reproduce a story with correct intonation.

Read the jokes silently to make sure you understand each sentence. Find the sentence expressing the essence of the joke. Split up each sen­tence into intonation-groups if necessary. Mark the stresses and tunes. Un­derline the communicative centre and the nuclear word of each intonation-group. It is not expected that each student will intone the text in the same way. The teacher will help you to correct your variant
Practise reading the joke several times.
Reproduce the model narration of the joke:
Young Peter came in one day bursting with excitement. Walking down the main street he had suddenly discovered he was side-by-side with movie actor Clark Gable.
— Did you talk to him? we asked.
— Well, it was like this, he said slowly. I knew who he was and he knew who he was — and it just didn't make sense us discussing it.
Some people were gathered on the verandah after dinner.
A young lady asked: "Can you name five days of the week without mentioning Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday?" Nobody could guess. At last the young lady said: "It is very easy. Here are the five days: today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow".

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