Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

Insert tee appropriate modal verb

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс (7-е издание, 2008)

83. Insert tee appropriate modal verb:

1. He has insulted our family and he ... suffer for it! 2. You ... not have gone out without an umbrella in such rainy weather. 3. I'm afraid I ... have sounded a bit unfriendly over the phone. 4. "I... to have told Soames," he thought, "that I think him comic." 5. We ... live to their age, perhaps. 6. Here she... sit, sewing and knitting, while he worked at the table. 7. Why ... you be different from other people? 8. "Good morning," said the girl. "I believe you ... be Toby. Have I guessed right?" 9. If you ... read without spectacles, and I believe you ... be so good as to read this letter for me. 10. Captain Steerforth ... I speak to you for a moment? 11. Anne felt she ... not stand much more of this discussion. She said she ... go on with her work and began to rise. 12. Why... one make trouble for oneself when one is old? 13. ... you do me a favour and meet her .at the station? 14. He was not old, he ... not have been more than forty. 15. The day we ... to start it rained worse than ever. 16. You ... not hurry. There is plenty of time. 17. Mother has fallen ill, so I... to change my plans. 18. We didn't know what to do; the key... not turn and we ... not get into the room. 19.1 ... not to have left Cape Town last night. I wish I had not. 20. ... I speak to Mr. Pitt, please? — I'm afraid he's out at the moment.... you ring back later?

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