Вопросы: What did Mark Twain's friend do when it was his turn to make a speech?

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тест 20
тест 2, Экономикалық Талдау Тесты 1-рубежки
Test 20
1. He said that M. Twain had pronounced his speech.
2. Yes, they did.
How long did Mark Twain speak?
1 — knows, 2 — are, 3 — have been, 4 — were sold, 5 — didn't know, 6 — were, 7 — were 8 — started, 9 — heated, 10 — adding, 11 — thought, 12— were, 13— called, 14— thought, 15— looked, 16— drew, 17— was, 18— drawing, 19— named, 20— became, 21 — was, 22— thought, 23 — would think, 24 — were made, 25 — would not eat, 26 — were not used, 27— survived, 28— put, 29— were, 30— became, 31 — are, 32— be bought, 33 — appeared, 34 — have become, 35 — camp, 36 — need, 37 — do not know, 38 — are called, 39 — gave.
1 - b, 2 - a, 3 - b, 4 - c, 5 - d, 6 - c, 7 - a, 8 - d, 9 - a, 10 -с, 11- d, 12- а, 13- c, 14-d, 15- b, 16- а, 17- c, 18- b, 19-d, 20 - b.
1. Everybody will have left by that time.
2. He said he would (only) be able to give the answer only tomorrow.
3. We have learned (have been learning) English since the 2nd form at school.
4. They are unlikely to catch this train. |
5. How many more pages do you have to translate?
1 — a, 2 — b. 3 — d. 4 — c. 5 — a.

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