А. П. Голубев, Н. В. Балюк, И. Б. Смирнова

(2)  Tom Sawyer at School

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Tom Sawyer at School 
Tom made an honest effort to study, but he could not. He took his place 
in the reading class, but he read very badly that day; then in the geography 
he turned lakes into mountains, mountains into rivers, and rivers into 
continents, till chaos was come again. In spelling class he could not spell the 
simplest words and the medal that he had worn for months was given to 
another boy. 
The harder Tom tried to fasten his mind on his book, the more he 
thought about different things. So at last he gave it up with a sigh. It seemed 
to him that the break at noon would never come. The air was still. It was the 
sleepiest of the sleepy days. The voices of twenty-five studying pupils 
sounded like the murmur of bees. 
Outdoors it was sunny and warm. A few birds were flying in the air. No 
other living thing was visible but some cows. 
With all his heart Tom wanted to get free, or else to have something of 
interest to do to pass the time. He put his hand into his pocket, and suddenly 
his face brightened with joy. He took out a box. In the box there was a tick. 
He took the tick and put it on the desk. The happy tick started travelling 
along the desk, but Tom stopped him and turned him aside with a pin, 
making him follow in a new direction. 
Tom’s best friend Joe Harper was sitting next to him, suffering just as 
Tom had been. Now he got interested in this entertainment, too. Joe took his 
pin and began to play with the tick, too. The sport became more interesting 
then. In a few minutes Tom said that they would better play with the tick in 

turn. He put Joe’s slate on the desk and drew a line down the middle of it 
from top to bottom. 
“Now,” said he, “as long as he is on your side you can stir him up and 
I’ll let him alone; but if you let him get away and get on my side, you must 
leave him alone as long as I can keep him from crossing over.” 
“All right, go ahead.” 
The tick escaped from Tom, presently, and crossed the equator. Joe 
harassed him a little, and then he got away and crossed back again. While 
one boy was worrying the tick with absorbing interest, the other would look 
on with interest as strong, the two heads bowed over the slate, and the two 
souls dead to all things else. 
A tremendous whack came down on Tom’s shoulders, and its duplicate 
on Joe’s, and for the space of two minutes the dust continued to fly from the 
two jackets and the whole school to enjoy it. The boys had been too 
absorbed to notice the hush that had stolen upon the school a while before 
when the master came tip-toeing down the room and stood over them. He 
had seen a good part of the performance before he contributed his bit of 
variety to it. 
(From the 
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
by Mark Twain) 

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