Боранбаева бақтылы сансызбайқызы ғұмар Қараштың өмірі мен қоғамдық саяси қызметі

Scientific novelty of the research

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Scientific novelty of the research.
– Worldoutlook, public viewpoints and his personal qualities as a public figure have been investigated and analyzed;
– G.Karash’s views concerning national questions have been seperately investigated;
– G.Karash’s role in spreading and propoganda the ideas of Alash movement is shown;
– His pedagogical viewpoints reliogous enlightenment activity has been examined from his historical positions;
– His participation and activity in the jadidism movement has been studied;
– On the basis of new documents G.Karash’s valuable contribution to Kazakh people’s liberation movement has been rerealed and determinded;
– G.Karash’s historical heritage has been investigated from new conceptual and human(common to humanity)values;

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