Каротиноиды: структура, метаболизм, биологические функции

Antioxidant vitamin supplements: update of their potential benefits and possible risks

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Каротиноиды структура метаболизм биологические функции

Antioxidant vitamin supplements: update of their potential benefits and possible risks // Drug Saf. - 1999. – 21. - Р.253-266.

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  • Bishayee A., Sarkar A., Chatterjee M. Further evidence for chemoprevenive potential of beta-carotene against experimental carcinogenesis – diethylnitrosamine-initiated and phenobarbital-promoted hepatocarcinogenesis is prevented more effectively by beta-carotene then by retinoic acid // Nutr. and Cancer.- 2000. – 37, № 1. - Р.89-98.

  • Jewell C., O'brien N.M. Effect of dietary supplementation with carotenoids on xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes in the liver, lung, kidney and small intestine of the rat // British J. of Nutrition.- 1999. – 81, № 3. - Р.235-242.

  • Kessova I.G., Leo M.A., Lieber C.S. Effect of β-carotene on hepatic cytochrome P450 in ethanol fed. rats // Alcohol. Clin. and Exp. Res. - 2001. – 25, № 9. - Р.1368-1372.

  • Kikugana K., Hiramoto K., Tomiyama S., Asano I. Β-carotene effectively scavenges toxic nitrogen oxides: nitrogen dioxide and heroxyni frons acid // FEBS tett.- 1997. – 404,
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  • De Flora S., Bagnasco M., Vainio H. Modulation of genotoxic and related effects by carotenoids and vitamin A in experimental models: mechanistic issues // Mutagenesis.- 1999. – 14, № 2. - Р.153-172.

  • Kikendall J. W., Phillips R.W., Luk G.D., Willis S.M., Murphy J.R.et al. beta-Carotene inhibits rectal mucosal ornithine decarboxylase activity in colon cancer patients // Cancer Res. - 1993. – 53.- Р.3723-3725.

  • Som S., Chatterjee M., Banerjee M.R. -Carotene Inhibition Of 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-Induced Transformation Of Murine Mammary Cells In Vitro
    // Carcinogenesis.- 1984. – 5, № 7. - Р.937-940.

  • Green A., Williams G., Neale R., Hart V., Russell A. et al.

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