Askerbek Amina
OGB 173-21 Шетел тілі: екі шетел тілі
Қалдыбаева Ф.Х. аға оқытушы
Академик А.Қуатбеков атындағы ХДУ
В статье рассмотривается вопросы о ролевых игр и их значении в учебном процессе.
We live in a world where everything is somehow related to the English language and people who speak English are more likely to find a good job. Knowledge of English is important in any profession, as it makes it possible to use English-language websites, read professional literature without waiting for its translation into Russian, and participate in international conferences to exchange experience. If you know English, you do not need to hire translators to negotiate and you will not have problems abroad due to not knowing the language. You can travel independently and not depend on guides. Knowing English, you can get an education in any European country, make friends around the world, watch movies and read books in the original. Finally, English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and is, of course, much easier to learn than Chinese.
What is role-playing games?
Role-play is any speaking activity when you either put yourself into somebody else's shoes, or when you stay in your own shoes but put yourself into an imaginary situation!
Incorporating role-play into the classroom adds variety, a change of pace and opportunities for a lot of language production and also a lot of fun! It can be an integral part of the class and not a 'one-off' event. If the teacher believes that the activity will work and the necessary support is provided, it can be very successful. However, if the teacher isn't convinced about the validity of using role-play the activity "will fall flat on its face just as you expected it to" (Gillian Porter Ladousse). Therefore, if you think positive and have a go, you may be pleasantly surprised!
Imaginary people - The joy of role-play is that students can 'become' anyone they like for a short time! The President, the Queen, a millionaire, a pop star the choice is endless! Students can also take on the opinions of someone else. 'For and Against' debates can be used and the class can be split into those who are expressing views in favour and those who are against the theme.
Imaginary situations - Functional language for a multitude of scenarios can be activated and practised through role-play. 'At the restaurant', 'Checking in at the airport', 'Looking for lost property' are all possible role-plays.
Why do we use a roleplay?
It is widely agreed that learning takes place when activities are engaging and memorable. Jeremy Harmer advocates the use of role-play for the following reasons:
It's fun and motivating
Quieter students get the chance to express themselves in a more forthright way
The world of the classroom is broadened to include the outside world - thus offering a much wider range of language opportunities
In addition to these reasons, students who will at some point travel to an English-speaking country are given a chance to rehearse their English in a safe environment. Real situations can be created and students can benefit from the practice. Mistakes can be made with no drastic consequences.
Examples of role-playing games
This game will allow you to make a frontal homework survey or a repetition and consolidation lesson interesting and exciting. The word “auction” in French means sale. The "goods" in the game "Auction" are the knowledge of students, which are evaluated by points. The “goods” at the auction are called “lot”, the seller is called the “merchant”, the students buy the “goods” for their knowledge, the leader of the auction is the teacher.
The task is based on the topic "professions". Purpose: activating the skills of arguing and defending one's point of view, as well as practicing vocabulary on a given topic. Each participant draws a card with a profession. The task of students is to describe the most important qualities and skills that a competent specialist in this field should possess.
Another lesson to the topic of "professions". The “interview” dialogue is read, then role-played by analogy with other professions. The option is more difficult. Students are given cards with roles, behavior patterns and job application forms. An even more complex version is more creative. Participants prepare interviews on their own, without supporting material. Props are also selected and the script is written.
For example:
— Excuse me, John Stone? May I come in?
— Yes, sure. Come in. Sit down. What's your name?
My name is Ann Walter. I am 27.
Where did you work before, Ann?
— I worked as a cashier at McDonald's.
Did you quit yourself or somebody fire you?
— I quit myself. The work distracted me.
— OK. Do you have any experience in selling cars?
— Unfortunately not.
— You should understand that we need skilled workers. So why should we fire you?
— My father is a mechanic. So I've learned a lot about cars since childhood. I'm a hardworking person and eager to study. I’ve have good communicative skills and due to my previous job I know all about client service and being a Customer-friendly.
— Nice of you, Ann. I think we'll call you back later.
— OK. That is my phone number: 81341341313.
Thank you. Have a nice day!
— To you too. Will wait for your call. goodbye.
— Bye!
During the task, students express their desire or not desire to do something, describe their strengths and weaknesses, learn to convince the interlocutor.
Hot news
This is a game for the development of horizons. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher names some news that is hotly discussed in the media. For example, a flood in some state or an earthquake, presidential elections or changes in the school curriculum. Students need to express their opinion. The purpose of the exercise is not only the development of horizons and social inclusion, but also the activation of students' reasoned speech.
What to do if
Another task to develop discussion skills. The participants are divided into groups. The teacher sets the topic. For example, the theme is "Traveling". What will you do, if you … 1) lost your money/tickets/way/luggage, 2) are late to your plane/train/bus, etc.
Sightseeing or One travel day
Each student draws his city. His task is to tell about the places that he would like to visit there. The task of the students is to convince the rest of the group to go with him.
Small talk
Continuing the theme of "Traveling". Students work in pairs and role-play “in the airport/in the restaurant/in the museum, etc.”. For beginners, according to the model, for continuing ones, they are played out using props and their own scenario for the development of events.
Talk show
Participants choose the format of the talk show and "guests". This is a completely free game. The “legend” of the guest is written: why he became popular, for example, his hobby, childhood, etc. Questions and answers. The main goal is to liberate students and use all possible vocabulary.
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