Open the brackets in Present Continuous. Жақшаны Present Continuous- та аш. Открой скобки в Present Continuous They say that it …(snow) now

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I variant

  1. Open the brackets in Present Continuous. Жақшаны Present Continuous- та аш. Открой скобки в Present Continuous

They say that it …(snow) now.

  1. Is snowing b)snowed c)snowing

  1. Open the brackets in Present Continuous. Жақшаны Present Continuous- та аш. Открой скобки в Present Continuous

Nelly says she …(go) to Spain

  1. Go b) goed c)is going

  1. Open the brackets in Present Continuous. Жақшаны Present Continuous- та аш. Открой скобки в Present Continuous

He (drink) a hot tea.
a)drinked b) is drinking c) drank

  1. Express the same idea. Follow the example. Үлгіге қарап сөйлемнің тәуелдік түрін жаса. Следуя примеру сделай притяжательную форму

The book belongs to me. It’s mine.
The pen belongs to Fred.

  1. It’s his b) It’s me c)It’s him

  1. Express the same idea. Follow the example. Үлгіге қарап сөйлемнің тәуелдік түрін жаса. Следуя примеру сделай притяжательную форму: The book belongs to me. It’s mine.

The guitar belongs to him.
a)It’s her b) It’s his c)It’s their

  1. Express the same idea. Follow the example. Үлгіге қарап сөйлемнің тәуелдік түрін жаса. Следуя примеру сделай притяжательную форму The book belongs to me. It’s mine.:

The piano belongs to Mrs Green

  1. Сөзді аудар. “мұқтаж болу” Перевели слово «нужно»

a)often b)sometimes c)need

  1. 2. Сөзді аудар. “тез”. Перевели слово «нужно»

a)sense b)immediately c)funny
9. What is the capital of England? Англияның астанасы? Столица Англии?
a)London b)Britain c)Cardiff
10. Who are you?
a) I’m a student b) It is a dog c) He is a man

II variant

    1. Open the brackets in Present Perfect. Жақшаны Present Perfect- та аш. Открой скобки в Present Perfect

Nelly says she …(be) in London

  1. She has been b) is being c) been

  1. Open the brackets in Present Perfect. Жақшаны Present Perfect- та аш. Открой скобки в Present Perfect

Bob … (finish) all the housework

  1. Finish b) has finished c) has finish

  1. Open the brackets in Present Perfect. Жақшаны Present Perfect- та аш. Открой скобки в Present Perfect

Mary and Tom … (do) it
a)has did b)have did c) has doing

  1. Express the same idea. Follow the example. Үлгіге қарап сөйлемнің тәуелдік түрін жаса. Следуя примеру сделай притяжательную форму

The book belongs to me. It’s mine.
The sculpture belongs to Roger.
a)It’s his b)It’s him c)It’s her
5. . Express the same idea. Follow the example. Үлгіге қарап сөйлемнің тәуелдік түрін жаса. Следуя примеру сделай притяжательную форму
The book belongs to me. It’s mine.
The flute belongs to her.
a)It’s his b) It’s mine c)It’s hers

  1. Express the same idea. Follow the example. Үлгіге қарап сөйлемнің тәуелдік түрін жаса. Следуя примеру сделай притяжательную форму

The book belongs to me. It’s mine.
The cups belong to us.
a) It’s mine b)It’s us c)It’s her
7. Сөзді аудар.“іздеу”. Перевели слово «искать»
a)sneeze b)cough c)search
8. Сөзді аудар “киіп жүру”. Переведи слово «одевать»
a)choose b)wear c)touch
9. . What is the capital of Wales? Уелстің астанасы? Столица Уэлса?
a)London b)Britain c)Cardiff
10. What is your favorite day?
a)a Sunday b) a ring c)a May

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