Содействие развитию легкого промышленного производства Жамбылской области; Формирование гарантированных объемов производства натуральных соков;
Total project amount, thousand tenge:
16 199 948
Including borrowed / grant funds, thousand tenge:
Including equity, thousand tenge:
Fill in the table at the cost of your project
Amount, tenge
Credit / grant funds
Own funds
Amount, tenge
Amount, tenge
Capital expenditures
16 199 948 14%
14 372 448
1 827 500
Fill the purpose of the loan
Amount, tenge
Own funds
1 827 500
3 Purchase of working capital
627 500
2 Rent of premises (per year)
1 200 000
Borrowed funds
14 372 448
Purchase of a truck
3 000 000
1 Equipment for the production of juices
11 372 448
16 199 948
Оборудование для производства соков
№ п/п Наименование статьи затрат Кол-во ед.
Цена 1 ед., тенг
Сумма, тенге
Приобретаемое оборудование
1 Насос центробежный 2
521 187
1 042 374
2 Ванна длительной пастеризации 1
1 351 318
1 351 318
3 Фильтр 1
100 167
100 167
4 Резервуар, объем 6300 л 2
2 025 360
5 Комплект оборудования для
пастеризации 1
2 563 907
6 Дозатор жидких и вязких продуктов 1
787 661
7 Машина укупорочная 1
248 849
8 Установка нанесения этикеток 2
565 626
9 Стол рабочий 2
48 100
ИТОГО 11 372 448
Сводная смета затрат за период
№ п/п Наименование
Сумма в месяц, тенге
Итого за год, тенге
1 Затраты на закуп сырья
627 500
3 765 000
2 Аренда помещения
100 000
1 200 000
4 Коммунальные услуги
240 800
2 889 600
6 Затраты по ФЗП персонала
405 000
4 860 000
7 Отчисления по ФЗП персонала
40 095
481 140
10 Налог на имущество
14 216
170 587
11 Амортизация
47 385
568 622
13 Затраты на обновление инвентаря и посуды
5 000
60 000
14 Прочие непредвиденные расходы
10 000
120 000
15 Доставка сырья
100 000
1 200 000
Итого затрат:
1 489 996
14 114 949
Juice is a liquid food product that is popular in almost every country in the world. The most common juices are squeezed from edible fruits of benign, ripe fruits and vegetables. However, there are juices obtained from the stalks,
roots, leaves of various edible herbs (for example, juice from celery stalks, juice from sugarcane stalks).
From the point of view of consumers, juices are traditionally divided into three types:
1)Freshly squeezed (freshly squeezed) juice. Juice that is produced in the presence of consumers using manual or mechanical processing of fruits or other parts
2)Directly squeezed juice. This is a juice made from good-quality ripe fruits and vegetables, pasteurized and poured into aseptic bags or glass containers.
3)Reconstituted juice. This is a juice made from concentrated juice and drinking water, which is sold in aseptic packaging and glass containers.
In our case, our workshop plans to produce recovered juices (concentrated). Concentrated juice is a product that is produced during the period
harvesting in regions of agricultural production of fruits and vegetables in specialized factories.
The Kazakhstani juice market is one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy. Kazakhstanis began to drink more juices, which cannot but rejoice, as it speaks of
the growth of purchasing power and the fact that the domestic consumer is turning towards natural and healthy products.
According to the calculated data, the consumption of fruit and vegetable juices per person
a resident of Kazakhstan averages 8.4 liters per year. Including tropical juices -
11-12 liters. However, per capita juice consumption in Kazakhstan lags far behind
from the average indicators of developed countries:
USA - up to 70 liters,
Germany - 43-45 liters,
Finland - 18 liters (orange juice only),
Russia - 16-18 liters.
Among the main factors for the active development of the market are:
Growth of incomes of the population,
The process of Europeanization of food,
Awareness of the value of health,
Unique selling proposition (USP)
Due to the high supply of raw materials, the products of Real LLP will have the following undeniable advantages:
1)High quality products (Product)
2) Availability of price (Pricing)
Distribution (Place)
Fill in the USP table
Name of product or service
+ What are you better than competitors in?
+ Why?
natural juices from fruits and vegetables
High product quality
Affordable prices
High-tech production of natural juices;
Use of high quality packaging;
Ensuring compliance with document flow and quality management requirements
Using domestic raw materials and harvesting all year round;
1 Use of waste-free technologies in storage and conservation;
2 Diversification of production;
3 Variability of packaging;
4 Balanced seasonal sales policy.
The economic activity of the enterprise largely depends on the chosen and successfully implemented marketing strategy. The marketing strategy of Real LLP includes the following basic elements:
- optimization of pricing;
- advertising and promotion of products.
At the same time, the achievement of the designated goals is possible only with the effective use and professional combination of all marketing tools.
To determine the opportunities and risks of active promotion of products on
consumer market, we will conduct a SWOT analysis, the results of which are presented in
Create a SWOT analysis of your project
-a strategy of competitive
-Own production
goods and related
-availability of our own technology
juice production
-high qualification
management personnel
-turnover of qualified
production capacity
-Weak motivation system
-undeveloped management system warehouse stocks
-Weak personnel policy
-weak strategic
planning activities
enterprise and its development
-Significant dependence
financial condition from external
- threat of raider takeover
-entry into the market of larger
-Efficient use
progressive production and
marketing technologies
-quality improvement
produced goods
- increase in the range and volume
marketable products, services
- expansion of activities.