me access to all sorts of information. I can also use the encyclopaedia and dictionary that are on the computer. Lastly, my computer has lots of games which I can play after I have done my homework. E Fergus I love computers. I owned one of the early laptops and today I have both a PC and a laptop. My life as a freelance musician would be a real struggle without my computers. I have to run myself like a small business, and I simply wouldn't be able to do that without a computer. You have to keep in touch with music agents, concert promoters and conductors, and there are lots of letters to write. I use my computer to send out information about myself each week by e-mail. I can even send a picture of myself that way too. It saves a lot of money on stationery, stamps and so on. I also keep all my accounts up-to-date on it and use the internet to research new music. The other thing I love about having a computer is that being a professional musician can be a solitary business, because you spend a lot of time on your own at home. My e-mail is like having a friend in the flat.
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HONDAS Twenty years ago, if someone asked: ‘Where do they make Hondas?’, the answer would be easy. ‘Hondas are made in Japan’. Nowadays, the question is not so easy to answer. Making cars is a multinational business. Cars are not only manufactured in their original country, they are also produced in other countries. Japanese car giants such as Toyota and Honda have factories in many different countries, including the UK. The South Korean manufacturer Daewoo has a factory in Russia, Romania. Every year