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The subject of discipline "anti-corruption -

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The subject of discipline "anti-corruption -
ing education "are the scientific and systematic information about the nature of the legal nature of corruption as a socially significant adverse effects, methods of its recognition and methods of forming the trainees a solid anti-corruption civic position.

Objectives of the discipline "Antikorruptsi-
ary education "as follows:
- Formation of students firmly established
Key to compliance with anti-corruption regulations (legal) behavior;
- The creation of adequate information and cognition
tional framework for education antikorruptsi-
tional behavior of the trainees in the implementation of the future graduates of undergraduate pedagogical
Space Activities.
To achieve these objectives within the study subjects following tasks:
- Acquisition and consolidation of knowledge about the Republic of Kazakhstan carried out in the anti-corruption policy;
- To develop trainees' skills and abilities of anti-corruption behavior in the teacher (teacher) education institutions and organizations;
- Assimilation of universally recognized standards of conduct and anti-corruption compliance in all areas of life and work of the teacher (teacher) education institutions and organizations.

As a result of studying the discipline "anti-corruption education" undergraduate student should know:

- The essence of the concept of "corruption" and on this basis the content of derivative concepts korruptsionizm, corrupt, anti-corruption -

tion policy;
- The system and the structure of the national anti-corruption legislation;
- Types of legal liability for the joint completion of corruption offenses;
- The most dangerous and destructive for the country eknomiki consequences of corruption;
- The nature of corruption offenses committed in the organizations and institutions of education;
- Methods against corruption in the implementation of the pedagogical (educational) activities.

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